Chapter 13|Rhea's POV

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"James! Save me!" I begged.

     Mum still dragged me towards the dress shop. He tried to 'save me' but mum hexed him. Dad sighed and helped him while Sirius just laughed.

     "Sirius! Help?" I asked. He went to make his way over to me and dodged mum's hex but then Alice hit him with a hex. "Bloody hell!" Mum hit me on the arm.

     "Watch your language!" Mum scolded. I groaned as she dragged me to the nearest dress shop. Alice sat me down in a chair as they found dresses and made me try them on.

     Most of the were PINK!! I mean come on, I don't wear pink a lot. Finally Mum put her hands over my eyes as Alice brought up a dress. "Is this really needed?" I asked.

     "Yes. And.... look!" Mum said and took her hands away from my eyes. In Alice's hands was a short, silver dress with ruffles on the bottom. A second layer of silver fabric was in an 'x' shape across the bodice. Diamonds were on the top part of the 'x' but it was so pretty!

     "O-Oh my bloody gosh." I whispered. "I LOVE IT!" I squealed. The guys came bursting in, ready for anything. I hid the dress behind mum, Alice and I.

     "Get out! We're dress shopping! It's going to be a surprise for all of you!" Mum scolded. Sirius pleaded and we let him see the dress. Dad managed to get in and when he saw me, his eyes were filled with unshed tears.

     "Daddy!" I said and rushed off the dress platform to hug him. In my tall heels, I was nearly as tall as him. I was about 5 inches short though. Dang it.

     He held onto me and then mum came and joined the hug. Alice had gone off to find a dress but Sirius just sat there, looking lonely. I decided to call him something that he had only said I could start calling him a few days before I was sent back to now. "Uncle Sirius," he was startled. "Come over here, you're part of the family too."

     Uncle Sirius came over and joined the hug. It was like this for a few seconds till we heard Alice and James fighting. I sighed and took off the dress with magic and switched my clothes.

     Gotta love magic, huh? I stalked I've to where Alice and James were fighting. "I want to see my girlfriend!" James yelled at Alice, getting really ticked off.

     "No! She's trying on her dress for Remus and Black but you can't see. You'll get to see at the Ball," Alice argued. It was all too much for me and I ran out of the shop, crying.

     I ran until I reached the Shrieking Shack and hid in there. No one came to find me till I realized it was a full moon night so that means the Marauders and my dad would be here. I'm going to start transforming soon.

     "AHHHHH!" I screamed bloody murder as the transformation came upon me. James came running in and tried to hold me but I pushed him away and scratched his arm.

     He looked at me in disbelief as I started bawling because I hurt the one I love. Then I was transformed into my werewolf form.

* * *


James was shocked that Rhea transformed so quickly but just as fast as she transformed, he was in his Animagius form.

     Rhea somehow knew that the stag that was James was friendly as she cuddled against him. Remus burst into the room in his werewolf form and bowed down to Rhea, knowing she was Alpha here.

     Sirius walked in calmly in his Animagius form and sat on the old, moldy bed that was against the wall. James laid down and Rhea cuddled with him. Remus growled at James as he could sense he had a relation to Rhea.

     James backed away but Rhea whimpered. This time Remus held himself back as James curled up with Rhea in stag form. Remus suddenly darted forward and went to scratch Rhea on the neck but James pushed her out of the way and Remus scratched Rhea's arm to the bone.

     She howled in pain so James and Sirius pushed Remus into the other room and locked the door with a few spells to keep him in there. Rushing back to Rhea, she had lost so much blood that she had transformed back into her human form. "J-James," she panted and her face twisted in pain.

     He and Sirius shifted back to their human forms and tried to slow the blood flow. "Yes sweetheart?" He asked, shaking with fear of losing Rhea.

     "I-I'm sorry f-for r-running off l-like that," she whispered. He kissed her forehead and drew out his wand.

     "Expecto Patronum," he whispered. A stag appeared, ready for a message. "To Madame Pomfrey. Rhea was hurt and we need you down in the Shrieking Shack, the Hogsmead entrance," the stag nodded and vanished.

     "U-Uncle Sirius...." Rhea muttered. Sirius' head whipped towards her.

     "What is it Rhea?" He asked. At this moment, he would do anything she asked, even kill someone.

      "Y-You're the best u-uncle ever," she said with a dry chuckle. He squeezed the hand lightly that wasn't hurt. "Oww!" James was there in an instant, giving her his full attention.

     "She's coming. Madame Pomfrey is coming," James promised. He was trying everything he could do. "I love you," Rhea shuddered as a cold wave went through her.

     "I'm so cold," Rhea whispered, so quiet the guys could barely hear her.

     "I'll get a blanket," Sirius said. He laid it on her, careful to avoid her arm.

     There was a pop and then Madame Pomfrey had appeared.

     "Poppy," Rhea whispered. She tried to get up but Poppy pushed her back down.

     "Don't move child. Lay as still as you can. Both of you, back away!" Poppy ordered. They didn't even flinch. "Now!" Sirius moved but all James did was move where Sirius was, out of the way.

     "I'm not moving till Rhea moves," he said, stubborn as Rhea. Poppy sighed but allowed it as she tried to save Rhea's arm.

     "She needs to be taken back to the Infirmary but I can't apparate with her," Poppy said. "Follow me if you want to stay with us," Sirius stayed to accompany Remus when he was done with the transformation.

     James went with Poppy and Rhea who ran to get to the Infirmary.  Arriving there, Poppy went to work but had to shoo James behind the curtain.

     He paced for hours until Poppy called him back in and told him to be quiet. There was something different about Rhea, he reached for her left hand as that was where he was sitting but couldn't find her hand.

     Traveling up to her shoulder, I noticed that she had a bloody bandage over her shoulder. Rhea had lost her left arm.

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