Chapter 10- It was the ginger!

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Mr. Len looked at all the kids gathered around his desk in shock. Dax shoved the note into his backpocket so fast and quitely, I thought he was a ninja of...shoving stuff in your pockets?

"All the blame goes to the ginger, alright?" I whisper to Dax and he nods.

Mr. Len walks over to us, mouth open. "W-What is going on here?!" he demands.

"It was the ginger!" Dax screams and points to the ginger, "He was the one with the idea! He went through all your stuff and we tried to stop him but his souless little self didn't listen!"

Other kids caught on and blamed the ginger as well, which surprised me because half of these people probably spell ''ginger'' for their life.

"Not uh! I didn't do anything! It was the gay kid!" the ginger yells.

Dax glares at the kid. " better check yourself." Dax says.

Mr. Len is looking back and forth between the two and finally steps in to break it up. "Enough! Mitch, what were you doing in my desk?" Mr. Len asks the kid.

Mitch starts screaming again about how he didn't do it and in the end Mitch gets two days of detention.

The rest of detention was like normal detention. We sat there, bored out of our minds and finding ourselves totally intrested by the floor tiles or the ceiling. We all jumped out of our seats and ran down the hall when Mr. Len said we could leave.

I was the first one out of the room and I ran down that hall like a bat out of hell until  I realized I didn't have a ride.

"Shit!" I yell and Dax runs up behind me.

"What's wrong now?" he asks.

I sigh. "I don't have a ride." I say.

Dax laughs and shakes his head. "Then walk home. From here to your house is like a ten minute walk." he says.

I look at him and scoff. "It's kinda creepy how you know that. Are you like a rapist?" I ask.

Dax sighs. "Totally. I'm a gay rapist. Watch out Tammi I'm comin' to butt-"

"Yeah I got it. Thanks Dax." I laugh.

Dax and I say goodbye and I'm off to home.

I walked kinda fast down the road because in all honesty, my neighborhood was a good one but it wasn't exactly in a very nice place.

Instead of forests and playgrounds and what other stuff my neighborhood was surrounded by beaten down ice cream trucks filled with registered sex offenders, crazy people who thought the world was going to end soon, a black market thing (I'm pretty sure), and a bunch of gangs.

This isn't exactly the kind of neighborhood where you just walk down the street smiling. It was one you either ran like hell down or hid somewhere until your parents picked you up.

I ran the whole way practically. When I got home, my mom was waiting for me.

"Oh...hi mom." I say waving a bit.

She glared at me and out her hands on her hips. "Tamera Ella Emerson. Where have you been these past two hours?" she asks.

I bite my lip trying to decide if I should tell her or not. Well there was no use in lying.

"I had detention." I say.

She throws her hands up. ''What the hell they ain't gonna tell me?'' she asks.

I shrug. ''Does someone call you the second you get pregnant? No." I say and as I sat there making jokes about pregnancy, I had no clue what was waiting for me.

My teacher got me pregnant (student/teacher relationship)Where stories live. Discover now