Chapter 3- Who is that?

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The next couple of periods were boring and I slept through more than half of them. But I was wide awake when the lunch bell rang. I was on my feet before the bell finished ringing and I was the first student out the door.

When I got in the lunchroom, I spot Darcy and Dax in line for lunch and run over to them, not caring about all the people I was cutting in front of.

"Hey girlie," Darcy smiles while she grabs an ugly green tray and I soon follow.

"Hi." I say.

"So, did any of your other classes come close to homeroom? 'Cause none of mine did," Darcy says grabbing a piece of Papa Johns pizza.

I chuckle and shake my head. "Nah," I say, "What 'bout you, Dax? Was any other class as great as homeroom?"

Dax's eyes widen like I've just offended him or something. "Why would you even ask me something like that?!" he screams, "Nothing will ever be as amazing as homeroom,"

Me and Darcy both laugh. After we go through the line and get our food, we find our table and sit down.

And for some reason Darcy feels the need to check through all her notes.

"For the love of God! I am so confused on the history notes!" Darcy breathes.

I take a bite out of my pizza and chew it slowly. "I would ask you why you were confused, but I don't care," I say.

Darcy sticks her tongue out and I smile.

"What are you confused about?" Dax asks. Them two had history together which was the next class for them. Next on the list for me was English and after English I have Math with Dax and after that is the last period which is gym and thankfully I share with both Darcy and Dax.

While they talked about history notes, I was in my own world. Why did Mr. Micheals seem hurt when he talked to me? Fricken' weirdo. And why was he so hot? Why were things you couldn't have so irresistible? Why, why, why?!

I was jerked back into reality when Darcy started snapping her fingers right in front of my face.

"Tamera. Tamera!" she shouts.

"What?!" I growl.

"Look who just walked in?" she says and points behind me.

I whirl around in my seat and see Mr. Micheals walk in the lunchroom but he's not alone. He's got the biggest slut in the school at his side. Her name is Zara Fren and Lord help my soul, every time I see her I want to bash her face in. And now that she's being a kiss-up to the hottest guy I've ever seen...

"Oh hell no!" Dax shouts as he stands up.

I laugh while Darcy tries to calm him down. A few people are starring at us and some are laughing not in a mean way, though. And amongst those laughing people is Mr. Micheals.

"Shiiit! He's looking over here!" I growl.

Dax stops his little rampage and sits back down. Wow. That's all it took? Ok then.

"Well that lasted long," Darcy says and I laugh.

"I'm going to kill that little tramp! Making a move on my man?! No?" Dax harshly whispers and I laugh even harder.

"As much as I'd like to agree with ya there, big boy, I have to say I don't think talking to him is 'making a move on your man' but who knows?" Darcy says.

"Knowing her she's making a move," I counter and Dax nods.

"Is he still looking?" I ask examining my apple.

My teacher got me pregnant (student/teacher relationship)Where stories live. Discover now