Chapter 11- Jokes on her

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I was grounded for about a week. And I had this feeling that it wasn't because I got detention, the first time might I add, but because I was late getting home. Later on that night, mom gave me the whole danger speech.

"Tammi, you scared me. I thought someone had kidnapped you! the world is a dangerous place!" she had said.

That, ladies and genitals, was pretty much the only exciting thing that happened for weeks. It wasn't until March that things started getting crazy.

Well, not crazy. More like interesting and fun.

It started when I got home from school one day, mom waiting at the door and tapping her foot, like she was waiting. I sighed as soon as I saw that frown on her face and I made my way into the kitchen, mom trailing behind me.

"Hello, mother," I said,"You seem to be in a lo-"

"Tamera, you are failing science." she interupted.

I sighed again, knowing this already. I had known for about two days at the time. I never really thought about it though because I was only two points away from passing and I thought I could pull it up with the next quiz. And if all else failed, I could have Darcy hack in and change my grade because she was like a wizard at that shit.

"Yes, mom. I am." I said.

She rolled her eyes and moved so I was facing her. At that moment, I regretted looking into her eyes. It was like saying fuck you to all those nature shows that say to never look an angry bear in the eyes. And yes, I just called my 5'2 mother a bear. Because, in her eyes was something crazy and pissed that made me wish for Kim Kardashian as a mom.

"Dammit, Tamera! You're science teacher e-mailed me today! He said that if you didn't pass his class this quater, you'd get held back!" she yelled.

Wow. Asskicker. And no. Not just a foot to the asscheek. But a foot up my ass kinda asskicker. Who knew that failing science by two points could hold me back.

"Mother, all I need is two more points and I'm good. And with tomorrows quiz, I think I can pull it up. See? No biggie!" I said in defense.

But she shook her head, as if it was no good. "That might help you a little bit. But, what if you fail it? And what about next quater? How are you going to pass that?" she said and I shrugged.

"Study harder?" I suggested.

"No. I already have a solution. Mr. Micheals told me he'd tutor you. At his house every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday." she said.

My jaw dropped. Not only was it really bitchy to make me think about how I'd try to improve my science grade, but to be tutored by a sex god...Holy hell. It was amazing because, well, he's a sex god but bad because he's a sex god! How in the hell am I going to concentrate when I have Mr. Micheals all to myself and he's leaning close to watch me work?

But then, there's that ass girlfriend or whatever of his that breathes and probably doesn't work, so I bet she'll be there. Offering me water or lemonade, checking in with a smile, backing shitty cookies, etc. But jokes on her because I don't like cookies. I like Mr. Micheals, bitch.

"What?" I asked, still flabbergasted.

Mom nodded and the look in her eyes wasn't as mad. It was more truth and disapointment. "Yeah. So that means you go tomorrow." she says,"You'll go home with Mr. Micheals and come home when vyou're done."

Agian, my jaw dropped. Ridding home with Mr. Micheals? I can tell you now, that bitch girlfriend of his won't be in his damn car. Unless she's weird. But that's atleast ten minutes by myself with him. And lots of shit could go down in ten minutes. I bet half of y'all were made in less than ten minutes. So let that just be a reminder that this whole tutoring thing, hasn't gone to shit...yet.


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