Chapter 5- Guess we're neighbors

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I don't know how I reacted but Darcy and Dax just stood there with their mouths wide open. I was surprised, yeah, but how fricken' typical was it for a hot teacher to move in right next door to you? Or just a hot guy? It happens all the time in movies. It's soooo predictable.

I have to say I kinda suspected that Mr. Micheals was my new neighbor.

But I guess Mr. Micheals didn't think I would be his neighbor.

"Tamera?! Darcy?! Dax?!" he says.

Dax and Darcy don't say anything but I nod.

"Well, guess we're neighbors," I say with a smile and he smiles back.

"Dean? Who is it?" a voice from behind Mr. Micheals asks.

A tall black-headed lady wraps her arms around Mr. Micheals and looks into his dark eyes.

I can feel Dax tense up beside me and I smile. I turn my face towards Dax and mouth,"You never had a chance, champ."

Dax rolls his eyes and turns back to Mr. Micheals embrace with I can only guess his girlfriend. Anything else would be just plain weird.

"Oh, uh, Clara, these three are some of my students." Mr. Micheals finally says.

Clara looks away from him and smiles at all three of us.

"Hi there," she says, "I'm Clara. Your teacher's girlfriend,"

Ah no shit.

"Cool," Darcy says shoving her hands in her butt pockets.

"Oh! Would y'all like to come in?" Clara asks and all three of us nod.

Once me, Darcy, and Dax step inside my first thought is to judge everything. I feel like teachers should have fancy house for some reason. But his house wasn't fancy at all. It still had boxes laying around which was explainable, but some of the boxes were open and the stuff that was inside them were weird shit. Like baby bottles, and old coke bottles.

What? My teacher, my hot teacher, is a weirdo? Well there's his girlfriend. She could be a weirdo.

"So what are y'alls names?" Clara asks as she guides us through the messy house.

"Im Tamera," I say.

"I'm Dax,"


Clara nods and turns back to us. "That's cool," she smiles.

Once Clara turns back around Mr. Micheals smiles at me.

Lots of smiling tonight.

I finally see my parenets and Joshua and once I do I pause. Mom was messing around with a bowl and looks like she's gonna drop it. Step-Daddy is drawing, or looks like it, on the table!

What is wrong with the famfam?! Joshua is the only one that is being noraml, which is sitting there about to fall asleep.

"Oh good y'all are here!" Mom says as she sets down the bowl and smiles at us.

"Yeah, Mom!" Dax shouts with his arms wide open like he wants to hug her.

Mr. Micheals looks confused. "He's your son?" he asks pointing at Dax.

Dax cringes away from Mr. Micheals finger.

Dax pulls me and Darcy's hair toward his face.

"That's the finger he did Clara with," Dax whispers and I start laughing really hard.

"What's so funny?" Clara asks.

I shake my head.

After about ten minutes Joshua starts getting tired and Mom suggests we all go back home.

"I guess I'm staying here for tonight," Darcy yawns, "What 'bout you, Dax?"

Dax acts like he's dead and shakes his head. "No. I can't. I gotta go home and fix my hair. It's a mess. And if I sleep here my hair will mess up even more and you don't have the right hair products," Dax whines.

"Well," mom says, "Who's gonna drive ya home, sweetie?"

"My sister. She'll pick me up." he says as he pulls out his phone.

When mom opens the door Joshua runs and dashes up the stairs to his room and I dash up to my room with Darcy right behind me. Dax is slwoly walking up the steps as he dials his sisters number.

Once we're in my room Darcy falls to the floor and I lay on my bed.

"So...your new nirghbor is Mr. Sexy. You lucky bitch," she says and I laugh.

"I guess. He's got a girlfriend though so our chances went down a lot." I say.

"Not-uh! Did you see the way he was looking at you?!" Darcy says.

 I shoot up. "What?" I ask.

Darcy nods and smiles. "'Dean' was looking at you like you were a meal, girl!" she continues.

How creepy!

"And that isn't weird to you?!" I ask.

Darcy shakes her head. "He's hot Tammi!" she whines.

I roll my eyes and watch Dax walk in my bedroom holding his phone.

"Mally will be in five minutes," he says gathering up his things.

"Dax, didn't you notice Mr. Micheals eating Tamera with his eyes?" Darcy asks.

My eyes widen at her wording of the sentence and I try not to laugh.

Dax turns to me with a serious look on his face. "As much as I hate to say it Darcy's right, Tammi. He was totally eating you up with his eyes," Dax whispers then starts smiling and then laughing.

Then Darcy starts laughing then I start laughing and Darcy and Dax jump on me and we're all laughing.

"Mr. Micheals totally likes you," Darcy and Dax say in harmony.


Author's note

Hiya guys!! srry for this chapter being so late and short i've been busy!!DX well i m tired so night hope yall like it!!:D

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