Chapter 7- Bite a boob

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For the rest of the day nothing happened. I had skipped lunch because I was too tired to get off my ass and walk all the way across the school to the cafetria so I just slept in the bathroom.

I'm not going to say I was awake during any of my other classes but I was awake for half of fifth period and all of sixth. The reason why I was awake. or woke up, during fifth period is because of the announcment saying someone in our school has been accused of handling drugs. Now, I didn't go to the best school in the district. So it was pretty normal to hear rumors about Jimmie Castalino gettin' high in the bathroom or Zara Fren and some stupid senior getting it on in a closet. But I had always thought those rumors were nothing more than rumors.

"So, like what the hell? You think it's one of us?" some girl named Brittie Lark whines.

Ms. Parks didn't like the comment very much 'cause Brittie said a "potty word" and so Brittie detention. And naturally she pitched a bitch fit.

And then Dax got into a full fledged argument with Ms. Parks about how this is a free country and we can say and I quote, "Listen Ms. Parks we aren't stupid little twelve-year-olds who don't know what 'shit' means. We're teenagers and we cuss like all the time. So please, don't treat us like little kids who sit there with their thumbs-up their asses. Kay?"

He got detention as well.

I was trying not to laugh so hard that I thought I was going to burst a blood vein in my face. Finally I had to let it out. I got my ass yelled at too.

"Would you like detention too, Miss Emerson?!" Ms. Parks screeched.

I shake my head. "No ma'am. I'm just fine sittin' here with my thumbs up my ass," I laugh and the whole class starts to laugh.

I got detention as well.

After class, me and Dax were walking to sixth period and laughing about what just happened.

"That was a good one, Tammi," he says as he ruffles my hair.

I push his hand away and giggle. "Stop!" I chirp.

"Oh stop Mr. Micheals! Please, please, oh!" he says and I almost piss myself laughing.

"I'm teaching you about the human reproductive system," I laugh and Dax laughing increases.

"Bend over bitch!" he screeches.

I have to hold on to the wall for support so I don't fall over.

"Oh damn!" I say, "Ok. I don't know about you but I don't want to be late for gym,"

Dax nods.


Once I'm in my gym uniform, I walk out of the locker room and walk over to Dax and Darcy who are both huddled in a corner with a few other people.

"Hey, sexyface," Darcy says as I run over there.

I smile and put my hands on my hips. "I have detention today." I say.

Darcy laughs. "Yeah, I heard. 'I'm just fine sittin' here with my thumbs up my ass'. Good one, baby girl," she says as she wraps her arm around my shoulders.

That's when Coach Mendez steps out of his office with his clipboard and blows his whistle whuch signals all of us to shut-up and get in our positions.

When all thirty-five of us scramble to our postions he starts giving out instructions for our warm-ups.

Shit like, twenty push-ups, or thrity jumping-jacks, and run around the gym seven times. But those weren't the instrucions today.

"You're all going to get with a partner and line up on the mat and what you're going to do is, do five push-ups with your partner on your back." he yells.

The whole class groans.

"Can he even make us do that?!" Darcy says. I shrug.

"Well, Tammi!" Dax says as he grabs my arms and pulls me into his chest, "You're my partner!"

Several people sigh. I was the smallest out of all the class. It was natural for people to choose the smallest for something like this.

"Damnit!" Darcy yells and stamps her foot.

Dax sticks out his tounge and he pulls me on his back and carries me to the mat where everyone else lines up behind us.

Coach Mendez turns on some music to help us I guess and that's when Mr. Micheals walks in and goes  straight for Coach Mendez. They start talking and Mendez catches on that everyone is starring at him.

"Go on! Do your warm-up!" he yells waving his hand at us.

Eveyone looks away and back to the blue mat. Me and Dax were first.

Of course we didn't do our warm-up so he just goofed around on the mat and so did other people.

In the end people had gotten bored with just talking so me and Dax wrestled for entertainment.

"Come at me, Tamera! Imma beat yo ass!" he laughs and so do I.

I lunge for him but trip and fall right on top of him. My face is read from laughing so hard.

Several people around us start laughing too.

Then all of the sudden I feel a sharp pain go through my left boob and I jump off Dax and scream. All while laughing.

I'm rolling around on the ground laughing my ass off and cradling my bood. Coach Mendex pushes through the crowd and Mr. Micheals right behind him.

"What's going one here?!" Mendex shouts.

I'm still laughing when I reply. "Dax bit my boob," I say and this gets a loud response from the class.

"So he's not gay!" someone shouts and I laugh even harder.

I look over to Dax and see that he's laughing too. But when I look at Mr. Micheals I can see he's giving Dax the death glare.

Mendez sighs. "Grow up," he says and walks away leaving Mr. Micheals staring at me and Dax.

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