Chapter 8-Detention today?

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After gym class is over and everyone is dressed, all the students sit in the gym and wait to be dismissed.

Dax, Darcy, and I are sitting in our usual little circle away from everyone else. Those animals who I call...whatever the hell I call them, are just too big of assholes to associate with. And to add to that, these people were the dumbest shits in the world. If you sit too close to them their stupidity just rolls off of them and onto you.

So, we sit all the way on the other side of the gym.

"Did you see Mr. Pedophile like starrin' at your tits?" Darcy asks.

I laugh. "Noo," I say.

Darcy throws her head back laughs.

"He was all like 'Mmm little girl tits'," Dax says as he licks his lips.

"I ain't a little girl though!" I yell.

Dax rolls his eyes. "Little enough. And how does it feel to know your pedophile teacher who has a crush on is living next door to you?" he asks.

"Pretty damn amzing," I say sticking my tounge out.

Dax sighs. "I'm so jelly," he says.

"Ew. No one says 'jelly'," Darcy whines.

"Well Dax just said it," I point out.

Dax nods and lays on his stomach. "You're not my mom, Darcy!" he says.

Darcy snorts and gets up.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Gotta take a piss!" she yells.

I sigh and bite my cheek.

"She like on her period or somethin'?" Dax asks.

I shrug. "I dunno," I say.

It takes like three hours for Darcy to come back from the bathroom. And in that time, people begin to be dismissed. Half the class is gone when she comes back.

"What the hell?" I say.

"What? I had to pee," she says.

"Dax! Tamera!" Mendez shouts at us.

Me and Dax look at each other then get up. We slowly walk over to the large mexican man.

"Y'all have detention today in room B12 , Mr. Len's room," he says.

"Who for?" Dax asks, "You or Ms. Parks?"

"Not me," Mendez says.

"Detention today?" I whine and stamp my foot.

Mendez glares at me. "Can't do the time, then don't do the crime, Emerson. Simple as that," he says and walks off into his office.

I cross my arms and blow my cheeks out in frustration. "Dammit," I mumble.

"At least we're together," Dax says.

Hey srry that was bad and short but im really tired and i have a serious case of writers block >,< and stuff with school is stressing me out and watever but yea im srry it sucked but hey at least its a new chapter

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