Chapter 2- Mrs. Hendrick is a dude

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I am totally screwed. Today was not the day for my alarm to be a bitch and brake.

It was the first day back from our two week holiday and I was already starting out great. Ten minutes late. Mrs. Hendrick was going to be pissed. But then again she was always pissed.

I zoom down the empty hallways of my high-school and finally I can see homeroom.

I clamp my hand on the cold doorknob, turn it, and throw the door open.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Hen-whoa Mrs. Hendrick is a dude," I say the last part mainly to myself.

It wasn't Mrs. Hendrick standing at the front of the room, it was some guy with a clipboard. A very hot guy. He had dark brown hair that was close-cropped, dark brown etes, and chiseled features.

"Ah. You must be Tamera." he purrs, his eyes looking me over.

"Yyyyeah. Um...where is Mrs. Hendrick?" I say.

Wait...this guy could be a substitute! And I was freaking out here. Thinking I would get to see his amazing face everyday. But Mrs. Hendrick doesn't get sick. She was a witch. A witch soo big, germs are afraid of her.

Whenever the stomach bug, and everyone was getting sick, Mrs. Hendrick was fine. She hasn't ever sneezed.  Ever.

"I'm afraid Mrs. Hendrick quit. But from the reaction I got from the class whenever I told them this news, it's not that big of loss." he says.

I snort. "Yeah you got that right." I say.

"I'm Mr. Micheals. You're new homeroom teacher," he says, "Now take you're seat Miss Emerson,"

And I do just that. Once I take my seat, I silently cheer for my new hot homeroom teacher. I know that I'd never have a chance with him, but it's good to have some eye-candy around here. I mean it's always Buck tooth Bobby or Lard Ass Drey. No hotties in homeroom.

"He's hot right?" my best-friend Darcy asks me from beside me.

Totally forgot she was there. I chuckle. "Yeah," I whisper.

"Mm, I could just eat him up," my other best-friend, Dax(yes he's gay but I love him so much) whispers while he licks his lips.

I laugh. Thankfully, the three of us sat at the back of the room and we were together. Mrs. Hendrick might've been the worst teacher, but homeroom was my favorite 'cause of those two. But now homeroom was my favorite 'cause of Mr. Sexy.

"Alright class so I have no clue what y'all are learning about. Can someone tell me what it was y'all were learning about?" Mr. Micheals asks and I'm tempted to answer but I don't.

"So, Tammi, why so late?" Darcy asks twirling a strand of coal black hair around her finger.

I sigh as I pull out my science notes. "Alarm was being stupid," is all I say.

"I'm tellin' ya, Tammi. I can always give you a wake up call! It's not a problem! How do you think I get my hair soo amazing, doll? Hours of hard work!" Dax says pointing to his red dyed hair.

"Wait so you're saying you get up at like three in the morning just to straighten your hair?" I question and Darcy laughs.

Dax frowns. "Shut-up, Tamera," he says in defeat and I giggle.

"Something funny, Miss Emerson?" Mr. Micheals calls from the front of the classroom.

I stop laughing instantly and shake my head. " sir. Nothing at all." I stutter and I can hear Darcy silently giggling at me and Dax is smiling like an idiot.

"Good 'cause there's nothing funny about the human reproductive system," Mr. Micheals continues.

My eyes widen and my cheeks turn a bright red and Darcy's laughs get a little louder and Dax is now snickering.

Mr. Micheals seems to be enjoying my embarrassment because he's smiling. He continues teaching the class.

"God! We're learning about the human reproductive system?!" I harshly whisper.

Darcy's too busy laughing to verbally respond so she just nods.

"Yeah, sugar bugar!" Dax chirps, "And with the sex God teaching us about the human reproductive system, it should be all that more interesting!"

I smile. Oh how I love these two. Yeah they pissed me off sometimes but I love them sooo much.

They just make my day so much better.

After a small chat about Mrs. Hendrick 'quitting'(which we came to the conclusion that she got fired 'cause she was just so terrible) we all started listening to Mr. Micheals. And we chose to start listening at the wrong time too. Mr. Micheals is talking about uh...well choosing to listen to any part of this lesson is the wrong time to listen. But wowzah. It was the wrong time. I'm not gonna say what it was he was saying exactly, but he was pretty much talking about the climax of the whole lesson.

And the reason why I had totally forgotten about this lovely lesson is because I didn't pay attention during any of the lesson with Mrs. Hendrick.

Finally after what seems like hours of class, the bell rings and everyone leaves the classroom to go to second period.

"Miss Emerson? Can I please talk to you?" Mr. Micheals asks right as I'm about to walk out the doorway.

"Sure," I say as I walk over to his desk. I can see his muscles through his shirt. Man. He was soo hot.

It's a few seconds before he says anything but before he does he rolls his eyes over me.

Why is he looking at me like that?

"Are you planning on being late every day?" he finally asks.

"What?" I ask.

"I've heard from other students that you have a tendency to be late. Is that going to be a problem?" he says.

"Uh...I've been late to class three times. This being the third. I'm not planning on being late again." I say kinda pissed off that he'd actually listen to these dumbos.

Mr. Micheals nods. "Sorry. I can see that I offended you. I just needed to know if it was going to be an issue." he says apologetically.

I cool down a bit. "No it's fine. I know I'm a pain in the butt, I hold teacher up 'cause I'm late. I'm sorry I'll try and work on it," I say.

Mr. Micheals looks into my hazel eyes and there seems to be pain in them. Why?

"Thank you, Tamera. You can go now." he says with a hurt smile.

And I do just that.

My teacher got me pregnant (student/teacher relationship)Where stories live. Discover now