Chapter 12-Oh, you're talking

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Within three weeks of our...fight, I began tutoring.

Darcy and Dax constantly reminded me of the lucky bitch I was, but how could I expect dumb and dumber to analyze the situation properly? I'm starting to believe they both think with their reproductive organs and reproductive organs only.

Sometimes it really sucks to be the only brains in a group. Oh. Excuse me. The only brain that wasn't failing any other class except for science.

The first day of my tutoring was so terrifying, so intimidating...I'm not going to lie, I ran to the girls bathroom and took a nice long freak-out moment while I peed. Meanwhile, I had Darcy stand guard at the door to ward off any shitlords from entering my domain.

After nearly twenty minutes, I cleaned myself up, said my farewell's and made the horrific journey to Mr.Micheals' classroom. When I reached that damned door, I stood their for what seemed like years, working up the nerve to knock, scream, shit, anything! But I never moved.

Not until the door flew open.

I just about jumped into the air when that happened, another panic attack coming along when I realized who opened the door.

There stood Mr.Micheals, little man-satchel in one hand and keys in the other. He looked flustered, as if he composed himself within mere seconds before opening the door and was about to shit a brick.

For a moment, we just stood their, my wide eyes latched onto his seemingly relaxed ones.

It was him who broke the silence. Bitch.

"Ah! Tamera, just the person I was looking for." he cooed, a small smile finding his lips.

Those lips. Jesus.

What? Why the fuck did his lips make me think of Jesus?

"Y-Yeah..." I stuttered, like a complete retard.

He chuckled, turning to lock the classroom door behind him

When he faced me again, I'm more than sure that some of the red had vanished, but who the fuck knows. Should I really even care? It makes me look cuter.

"Are you ready? Your mother told me that you pitched quite the fit when she informed you of your new lessons." he said, now a frown finding his lips.

I frooze.

My mother did what? Oh. When I get home...She's going to wish she ate me like a fucking Amazon. Who in the hellfire damnation gave her the right to inform Mr.Micheals of my freak-out?!

Not me!

"O-Oh! I was just upset about the detention thing. Not because of you tutoring me." I said, offering a faint smile.

Not convincing, but hey. Fuck you.

"I see." he chuckled, "So, are you ready?"

And with that, my tutoring  began.


Several weeks of bullshit ran by so fast that I couldn't even keeo up.

Evey Monday, whatever, and Saturday I met Mr.Micheals for tutoring, everyday at school I learned nothing and goofed around.

But it wasn't until the fourth week of tutoring that things got interesting.

It was a strangely hot Saturday and Mr.Micheals seemed to have an extremly low tolerance of everything. Not just me. Everything.

Once he just left the table in the middle of the lesson to go get a beer. Yeah. Drinking in front of a student. Very professional. But that's not it. He dropped it on his way back and I swear to God, he swore more than the amount of times I've peed in my entire lifetime. And I pee like every hour.

When he returned, I tried my best to contain my laughter. But I nearly failed. I had to bit my lip, pretty damn hard to stop myself ferom bursting with laughter.

But it didn't last long, because the look he wore suggested that if I were to laugh, I'd either get slapped and thrown out.

A moment of awkward silenced passed before either one of us spoke.

"What are the four lobes of the brain?" he commanded, voice rough.

"Uh..." I thought for a moment.

What was that shit? Something parental lobe...something about a temple.

"Ooo~!" I cried, jumping up in my seat, "Frontal, temporal, pairetal, and occipital lobes!"

Before I could bask in my victory, there was a loud thud and something heavy leaned into me. The immesne and sudden pressure of this weight threw me back agaisnt the table, a cry sounding in my throat. But it was muffled by a pair of soft, forceful lips.

It was only then did I realize it.

Mr.Micheals has atop me, his hands violently tearing at my clothing, and his tongue probing my mouth.

Hi everyone! Sorry for the extremely long wait. I've been really sick lately and I've been in and out of the hospital since this summer. Please be patient and thank you all so much for your support. :)

Also, I was wondering, when Tamera and Mr.Micheals...fornicate, should I go into explicit detail? Or...?

Sorry for spelling errors. I'm sick and ugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2013 ⏰

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