Chapter 6- Not late

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After Dax left, me and Darcy went straight to sleep. I don't know why I was as tired as I was, but I was.

Sleep that night was filled with dreams about what would happen tomorrow in homeroom. I don't usually do that, if you were wondering, but now that I have a hot new teacher, I do.

In the morning, I'm woken up by something ramming into my side. My eyes fly open to see what it was and where it came from. It was Darcy. Awake and starring at me.

"Get your ass up. We're gonna be late if you don't get up now," she says.

I groan and get up.

"I don't like you," I grumble.

Darcy gets up from the bed and pulls me by my arms. "I know you don't," she says.

It takes me a second to balance myself whenever she pulls me up, but I eventually stand up straight by myself.

Me and Darcy get ready for school and I let her borrow some clothes since she doesn't have any other than the ones she wore yesterday. Once we're ready, we go downstairs and eat some breakfast.

Darcy's looking in the cabinets and the fridge while I eat a banana. She's so indesisive.

"Want a banner?" I ask.

She looks at my banana and nods. She grabs one out of the fruit bowl and starts to peel it.

"You know," I say, "I heard that it's really awkward when you're eating a banana and you look someone in the eyes,"

Darcy chuckles and takes a bite of here banana. "I can only imagine why," she says.

Then my mom walks in sweatpants and a t-shirt with her car keys. "Come on girls. If I'm drivin' y'all to school we better go now," she says as she pulls her hair up.

I throw away my banana peel and hug my mom. She's short comapred to me but not by much. And then Darcy hugs her.

"Thank you guys. Y'all ready to go?" she asks.

I sigh and shrug. "I guess," I say.

Darcy runs upstairs and grabs our bags and runs back down with 'em.

"Let's go. Joshua!" my mom screams.

Joshua comes running in the kitchen with his bag and my mom hands him an apple. He bites into it and whimpers.

"What's wrong honey?" mom asks Joshua.

"My tooth," he says with a frown.

She strokes his cheek with her thumb. "I'm sorry. I'll give give some medicine," she says, "Girls y'all get in the car,"

Me and Darcy both walk out to the car and wait for my mom in the car.

"Hey! I'm gonna be early!" I yell.

"Oh yeah! Maybe Mr. Micheals won't yell at you today," she laughs and so do I.

Mom walks out with Joshua and she opens the car door and starts the car up.

Once mom drops us off at school me and Darcy run into the school go to our lockers and run to homeroom. 

"Oh thank God!" I say.

We're 15 minutes early and Mr. Micheals isn't even in the classroom yet. There's only like ten people in here. Me and Darcy walk to the back of the room and take our seats beside Dax who's head rests on his arms.

"Ya tired Dax?" I ask while I punch his shoulder.

He grumbles and nods. "Aw poor baby," Darcy says and kisses his cheek.

He lifts his head up and glares at Darcy. "Yes poor baby! My sister kept me up all night!" he growls.

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know because she's a little bitch!" he yells and almost everyone looks at him.

"Oh hey! Tamera!" Skylar Thimes yells at me and she waves.

"Oh hey Skylar." I say with a smile.

Skylar and her friend Timothy both move back with us and they take the seats in front of us.

"How have you been, Tamera?" Skylar asks.

She shrugs. "Fine I guess. Timothy and I are going out now," she says and Timothy wraps his arms around her.

"Oh coolio," I say, "Hey Skylar do you remember Darcy and Dax? From second grade?"

She looks over at them both and her eyes get bright. "I haven't talked to y'all in forever!" she screeches and Dax smiles and Darcy laughs.

"Hi Skylar," Dax says with a little wave.

She smiles.

"Hey y'all want some M and M's" Timothy says as he pulls out a bag full of multicolored circles.

"Yes please!" we say in chorus.

He gives us each a small handful. All of them except for me pour the candy into their mouths. I just slowly eat them one by one savoring the candy.

That's when the bell rings and Mr. Micheals walks in with Zara at his side.

"Hey Mr. Micheals I'm on time roday!" I yell at him with my thumbs up.

He looks away from Zara and to me and smiles which makes me laugh for some reason. It makes Darcy, Dax, Skylar, and Timothy laugh too.

"Good job Miss Emerson. I'll have to give you a reward." he jokes.

"Like my dick!" Dax whispers and our little group starts to laugh really hard but we try to conceal it.

But see the weird thing is is Mr. Micheals never took his eyes off of me and he more than likley heard Dax and whenever Dax said that Mr. Micheals blushed and his eyes got bright....

I was starting to really believer what Dax and Darcy had said now.....




My teacher got me pregnant (student/teacher relationship)Where stories live. Discover now