Chapter VII: Old Allies

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After we've said our farewells to Beomgyu, we get on board my gunship and climb up to the cockpit. Yuna and Leeseo buckle themselves onto the co-pilot seats and I buckle myself onto the captain's seat. 

"Now that we retrieved the spear of light, what's next?" Yuna asked me after I turned on the engine.

"Well, we have the two things we need, the spear of light and the darksaber, according to Suzy were missing one of them," I answered her. 

"So we're going back to her home?" Leeseo asked me and I nodded.

"Yep, we're going back there. Let's see what she has for us next." I answered her and I set the coordinates on the navigation computer. 

The engine boosters went off which made the gunship go at its maximum speed. The ride took about half an hour until we finally reached back to Suzy's cabin.

We landed in the open area, I position the gunship to its landing protocol and we hit the ground, I turned off the engines and we jump out of the cockpit. 

We land in the cargo bay and lower down the landing hatch by pressing the button. We go down to where Suzy was waiting for us eagerly waiting for what we had to tell her.

"So was your mission a success?" Suzy asked us and we nodded before showing her the spear.

"Marvelous work!" Suzy complimented.

"Yeah, except we had to deal with Frenz Gozalo, the alpha of the Countess's werewolves," I mentioned it to her and she sighed.

"I expected that, but I didn't think the Countess knew the Temple of Light but regardless I assume you managed to defeat them. Come inside." She replied to me and we followed her inside the cabin.

Once we settled inside the living room, she made tea for all of us before putting her husband in their bedroom bed for him to rest.

She takes the tray of tea and places it on the table, we each grabbed a cup. I took off my helmet and when I looked at Yuna and Leeseo, they were both staring at me which made me uncomfortable.

"What? Have you never seen a Mandalorian take off its helmet?" I asked them and they shook their heads.

"I-It's not that Y/N, it's because you're so handsome," Yuna said before scooting towards me.

"Y-Yes, we've never seen such a good-looking person before," Leeseo said before also moving closer to me. 

Suzy just chuckled at the flirtatious sight and coughed to get our attention which made me sigh in relief.

"Now, ladies, please be mindful of how Y/N feels, he looked uneased with your flirtatious act," Suzy said before winking at the two girls which made them blush.

They both apologized to me but I already forgave them and drink up some of the tea. 

"Alright, are you here for your next task? Or you're here to relax?" Suzy asked me.

"Oh, right, since we have the spear of light, what's our next step before we can fight Countess Dracula?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Very well, you now have the two weapons needed to face the Countess, your next objective will be at an abandoned hospital in the countryside of Korea," Suzy explained to us before placing the photo of the hospital. 

The three of us take the photo before closely inspecting it which surprised Leeseo.

"Hey, that was Irene-Sunbaenim's old hospital she used to work at during the Great War." Leeseo found out.

"That's correct, Leeseo, that's your teacher's hospital 'New Hope' she used to work at but there's then what our eyes can see," Suzy tells us which made me raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Rumors say Irene hid a secret laboratory inside New Hope Hospital, I'm quite sure whether the lab is real or not but reports from Mandalorians say it was real but it was kept hidden to prevent Count Dracula from finding it," Suzy explained to us before laying a file containing old letters and reports.

"What could she working on in there?" Yuna curiously asked.

"I'm afraid with little evidence and intel, it only confirms that there's a secret research operation called 'Operation War Mantle'. I have no clue what they are hiding in there but that's for all of you to figure out." Suzy answered her the best she possibly can. 

We thanked her for the information and for the help she has given us, we leave the cabin and go onboard the gunship. 

The both of us decided that we need some extra help from friends, Leeseo made contact with Irene, and fortunately, she agreed to help us. For me, I go to the cockpit and called Yeji.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Y/N, how can I help you?" She asked me.

"Hey, Yeji, we're going to an abandoned hospital named New Hope. Do you mind sending someone to help?" I asked her and she nodded. 

"With pleasure, I'll give my husband the word and he'll send in his squadmates to meet you there." She replied to me.

"Nice, thank you very much," I said to her.

"It's no problem, good luck out there." She said before ending the call. 

After that, the girls climbed up to the cockpit and tells me that Irene will meet us at the hospital. I nodded before putting my helmet on and turning on the engines. 

Gunship slowly lifts from the ground before turning into its flying position, I input the coordinates for the hospital and the thrusters engaged making the gunship instantly fly at maximum speed. 


End of Chapter

Author: What will Y/N and the girls find in the hospital? And I wonder who could Yeji's husband's squadmates be... Stay tuned to find out! Anyway, if you liked the chapter please leave a vote and comment if you can :)

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