Chapter VIII: The Secret of New Hope Hospital

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The ride in the gunship lasted for half an hour until we reached the coordinates that Suzy had provided us. It was again in the middle of a forest but it wasn't just any forest...

It was once a village where Mandalorians and Vampires once lived but it was burnt down by those evil werewolves. Some of the ruins still remain but are covered in moss and plantation after remaining there for so long. 

"Aren't we suppose to meet Irene and the others?" Leeseo curiously asked. 

"Yes, but I'm reading anything on my scanners," I answered her while checking the radar. 

A few seconds later, we picked up a signature that appeared to be a sci-fi aircraft. I don't know what it is, I assume it must be them. 

I guided the Gunship toward the unknown spaceship and landed right next to it. There, I was surprised to see the members of the "Raiders", we jump out of the cockpit and exit the gunship. 

(Author: Ignore the background and pretend the area is surrounded by trees and plants

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(Author: Ignore the background and pretend the area is surrounded by trees and plants.)

Me and the girls looked at the sight of the amazing ship, I have never seen this type of ship before. Perhaps, it's another prototype made by JYP. 

"You like her? We just got her from JYP himself." A Raider Mandalorian asked me with goggles attached to his helmet. 

"Yeah, looks great Christopher!" I answered him. 

"I bet! The ship is awesome and it's equipped with many gadgets and weapons that proved to be quite useful to us!" Christian said to me. 

Zachary comes out of the ship with his helmet in hand, we shake hands and we quickly catch up with each other.

"Anyway, where's your sniper? Wasn't he suppose to be here?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"All he told us is that he had other things to take care of along with his wife Yeji. So it's just us." Zachary answered me and I nodded.

Soon after, Irene comes out of the ship and greeted all of us. Leeseo came and they hugged each other for a moment before letting go. 

"So Leeseo, I see you've been traveling with the Mandalorian. How is it?" Irene curiously asked her.

"It's fun and exciting! He treats me and Yuna kindly." Leeseo answered him.

I chuckled nervously and Irene giggled at my action. Thankfully, she couldn't see me blushing since my helmet is covering my face. 

"Alright, now if we're done catching up, we have a hospital to explore," Irene said to us and we make our way down the trail. 

Fortunately, the trail was cleared, we could see the wreckage of destroyed houses and farms and even small memorials dedicated to the lives that had been lost. 

This was all caused by the Dracula family... And they will pay for their crimes. 

"Geez, I imagine what this place looked like before it got destroyed," Christian commented as he looked around and at the small structures that still stand. 

"Back then, this village used to be one of the most prosperous places back in the 1850s, at first, this village was founded by ancient Mandalorians and hundred years later, when the vampire and Mandalorians made an alliance. Vampire's begun living here." Christopher explained to us the history of the village.

 "What happened here? Did Count Dracula's vampires do it?" Yuna asked him and Christopher gave her a stern look.

"Much worse..." He simply answered her which made her gulp.

When we finally reached the abandoned hospital, the building had many holes in the walls, and on the outside, a few small trees grew out of the holes along with vines. The place was eerie. 

After observing New Hope hospital, we entered inside and the first thing we see is an empty lobby with vintage wheelchairs and beds all over the ground. 

This hospital has been abandoned for a few hundred years at least, so we decided to split up into small groups. Yuna and Leeseo will be with Irene, they will explore the basement, while Zachary is with Christian, they explore the second floor and I'm partnered up with Christopher to explore the main floor.

While I and Chris explore each room which consists of operating rooms and examination rooms for x-ray and other stuff. 

"Hey, Chris?" I called him and he turned him to look at me.

"What was it during the war in Europe?" I asked him.

"Well, all we're doing is just following the orders given to us by high command, nothing else," Christopher answered me and I nodded.

"What about you? What happened to your family after Operation Scorpion?" Christopher asked me and I sighed.

"After we lost my father, we were devastated and our numbers were shattered into dust. We lost all hope until a group of Mandalorian and vampires that survived the mass-murdering and escaped to Korea and lived in the manor ever since." I explained to him. 

"I'm sorry to hear that." He said to me.

"It's fine now, as soon as we kill Countess Dracula, the last member of the Dracula family, this entire mess will come to an end," I replied to him.

When we got done talking, I close the drawer that contained old patient records and other files. That was until I saw a strange hole in the wall behind the cabinet. I slid the cabinet aside making a loud metal screeching sound until it stopped when I pushed the cabinet causing it to fall on its side. 

"What did you find?" He asked me and I motioned him to come to me. 

He does what I say and he examines the hole, the hole contained a strange single metal bar. I grabbed ahold of it and surprisingly, the metal pool switched to the side and the walls inside the room open up. Revealing a hidden laboratory.

This must be it!!!

"Ah, a job well done!" Christoper said to me before we entered the lab.

We were amazed at the lab's information and what projects the scientists had been working on for many years. There were small cages and capsules containing samples and other substances.

Christopher then stopped at a huge structure covered up with a dirty and old covering. 

"Hey, Chris, something wrong?" I asked him.

"No, but I have a feeling this covering is hiding something..." Christopher said before he goes to unveil it revealing a giant ass capsule with liquid inside it containing a huge beast of some kind. 

"What in God's name is that?!" I exclaimed as I stared at the giant beast that looked like a Tyrannosaurus Rex but it looked like it was mixed with the thick armor plating and sharper teeth.

The dinosaur hybrid or whatever it is, looked like it was in stasis mode, Christopher goes onto the logs and he was shocked by what he had found...


End of Chapter

Author: What could this mysterious hybrid be? And what will they do next? Stay tuned to find out! Anyway, if you liked the chapter please leave a vote and comment if you can :)

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