Chapter XIV: Endgame Begins

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Yeji's POV

Me and my members grabbed our weapons needed for the upcoming battle in Seoul, as far as I know, all of Yura's forces are gathering there for a final stand.

"Eomma..." I hear my son calling me and tugging my shirt.

"Yes, honey~?" I asked him before kneeling and caressing his cheeks.

"Will you come back?" He asked me and I chuckled.

"Don't worry, honey, me and daddy will come back. Just stay here with Lia." I assure him and he nodded.

After that, I grabbed my sniper rifle and leave the dorm with everyone except for Lia to watch over my son. I meet up with my husband Hwang Jihoon.

I was shocked at first because his armor had dramatically changed since the last time we've met

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I was shocked at first because his armor had dramatically changed since the last time we've met. From wearing black and red armor like he did before but it got crisped from the warehouse explosion.

"You've changed your armor." I mentioned to him and he chuckled.

"Surprised?" He asked me.

"Y-Yeah, when did you get your new armor?" I curiously asked him.

"I went to the Chou Manor's armory and talk to the armorer." He explained to me and I nodded.

After that, we walked to the shuttle where the rest of the Raiders squadron was waiting for us. We greeted them before we boarded. Christoper turns on the engines and soon we lift off from the ground.

Me and Jihoon caught up with each other of what we were doing when we're separated for the past few months. He told me that he took his old armor to the armorer and have it reforged to improve it's integrity and technology along with gadgets.

After 20 minutes, Chris informs us that we've arrived to the rendezvous point where all the other Mandalorian and Vampires are gathering. It was fucking huge.

This is surely going to be the biggest battle we've ever fought since we all know that Countess Yura isn't going down with a real fight. We land in an open area right by where the Slave I gunship is at.

Chris opens down the landing hatch and we walked down to be greeted by Yuna and Leeseo along wth the other IVE members.

"Hey, girls!" I greeted them both.

"Hey, Yeji-Unnie!" Both Yuna and Leeseo greeted me back.

However, this reunion wouldn't last long as we heard explosions and gunfire being exchanged.

"Welp, this is it!" Christian said as he readied his Z-6 rotary cannon.

Next, a wave of Dracula's vampires comes at us with swords, spears, bows, and guns. Everyone got to their places and opened fire or charged at them. All hell broke loose, I don't where Y/N could be but I guess he's with the Queen.



Yura's POV

I watched the battle through the monitors at the command center in the hidden castle in Seoul. So far, my forces aren't doing so well against Mandalorians and Vampires with beskar weapons as expected.

"My lady, should we release Project Predator?" One of my servants asked.

"No, I will tell you when," I answered him and he nodded.

Hehe, they have no idea what's coming for them... Soon enough these weapons will turn the whole battle in our favor and soon our agenda will be complete.


Yeji's POV

Me and Jihoon are on the rooftops of an apartment building sniping enemy vampires. Usually, we have competitions on who gets the most kills. So far, Jihoon has since he has more experience with the rifle than I do.

"How many do you have?" He asked me.

"I have about 23, what about you?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"45." He simply answered me and I playfully rolled my eyes before aiming through the scope.

"Yeah, yeah, sure," I replied to him.

So forth, we continued sniping down the enemy vampires until they all suddenly began to retreat back when their numbers are beginning to plummet.

"Look their retreating!" One of the Mandalorians called out.

We all asked if we had won or not but knowing Yura this would be too much of an easy victory. This was probably only a setback for her and she has something bigger planned for us.

"This looks too easy. I'll have a look." Jihoon said before jetpacking off.

Jihoon's POV

I fly up high into the air to get a better view of the city, I lower down my rangefinder and activate heat-vision to see any potential enemies.

I flew around and so far found nothing out of the ordinary but city rubbles. that was until I find heat signatures of giant robots with three legs, two heavy rotating blaster cannons, and the worst part... Heavy shield generators.

I switched off the rangefinder on my helmet and instantly I was getting fired upon by the giant robots. I barely managed to dodge the shots being fired and I flew back to Yeji.

When I got to the same spot, Yeji asked what I saw and I told her everything that I had seen and she was horrified. Before she could warn the others, it was already too late. We looked down and we see our friends being killed and injured by the giant robots.

I turn on the rangefinder on my helmet and locked onto one of them before firing the missile onto my jetpack. It was a direct hit. However, when the smoke had cleared it had no effect on the shields.

"That's not good..." I said to myself.

"How are we going to stand up against those things? We don't have any weapons that can penetrate their shields." Yeji asked me.

"I don't know... All we can do now is just help them escape from those things until a miracle happens." I answered her and nodded.

We jumped down from the roof and get on the road, we distract the war machines the best we could while our friends and allies retreat back to safety.

The longer our distraction keeps going the more we begin to struggle as we start to get tired. Just as Yeji was going to get shot at by one of the robots Yuna and Leeseo swiftly dragged her out of there.

"Thank you, you two should go with the others," I said to them but they shook their hands.

"No, Yeji helped us and it's our turn to help her," Yuna said to me and I nodded.

So the four of us fight against the robots with everything we have left within us, of course, it's still not enough against a whole platoon of super robots with heavy shields. Just when I thought my lights will go out for sure...



End of Chapter

Author: Hope you all enjoyed the story so far and it's not too boring! If so please leave a vote and comment feedback if you can. Until then, have a good day, night, or whatever time you reading this :)

Living in Vampire's Territory | Yuna/Leeseo X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now