Chapter X: The Attack of Leeseo and Yuna

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I just finished my conversation with my Eomma about the current situation of our mission, she seemed pleased about it and tells me to relax for now. 

Yuna and Leeseo are in the cargo area playing holographic board games in the lounge area that we have here. After I got done setting the course for a safe spot where we can relax which is just a lake nearby.

I get up from the pilot's seat and climbed down to the lounge, once the girls noticed my presence they greeted me with their gummy smiles.

"Hey, Y/N, what did the Highness say?" Yuna curiously asked me and I took off my helmet.

"She said we can relax, for now, I set the course for a lake, there shouldn't be any dangerous wildlife there and nobody even knows about it," I answered her and she cheered.

"So are we going swimming~?" Yuna asked me and I nodded.

"If that's what you wish but I'm just going to relax," I replied to her and the two girls squealed which made me smile at their goofiness but they stopped when they looked at me. 

"A-Are you smiling Y/N?" Leeseo asked me before closely examining my facial features which caught me off guard.

"N-No, I don't what you're talking about." I nervously answered her and she giggled at my reaction. 

"Awh, he was smiling and also blushing as well~!" Yuna said before winking at me at the end of her sentence which made my ears go red as hell.

I sighed and playfully rolled my eyes before climbing up to the cockpit to land the gunship, when we arrived at the lake, I land on an opening space big enough to fit the gunship and conceal our position.

Once the gunship lands, I turned off the engines and climbed down again to the cargo hold to only see that the girls are now in swimsuits. Damn, they changed fast. 

"Are you sure you don't want to join us, Y/N?" Yuna asked me and I shook my head.

"Nah, I'll be fine," I answered them and they both cutely pouted. 

"Aw, come on, Y/N! I'll be fun and you should cool down, I'm sure that your body is burning up from your armor." Leeseo insisted and I sighed.

"Alright, fine. If it makes you two happy." I answered them and they cheered.

The two of them open the cargo hatch and go inside the lake's calm waters while I go inside the quarters to take off my armor and change into my swimwear. 

Geez, Leeseo was right, my body is frickin red as a tomato right now, at least I get to cool it down before I suffer 1st-degree burns or worse. 

When I finished taking off the armor plating and putting it on the armor stand, I changed into my swim clothes and head out of the quarters. I go outside of the ship to be greeted by the soothing chirping of the birds from the surrounding trees.

I see the sight of the two girls playing in the water which made me smile at the sight, once the girls noticed my presence they sank into the water instantly, I was about to go jump into the water until the girls popped back up. 

"A-Are you girls, okay?!" I urgently asked them but they just stared at me. 

"Y-Yeah, we're fine, Y/N, it's just that we've never seen you shirtless before, and do you work out?" Yuna curiously asked me before coming to me and tracing the lines of my toned abs. 

"Of course, how else do I stay in shape?" I replied to her before chuckling.

Leeseo also approached me as well before doing the same to me as Yuna which started to make my heart pound faster which is dangerous for me. Why? You're about to find out...

"I-Is your heart beating?" Yuna asked me and her pupils slowly start to turn red. 

Shit, if I don't control my heartbeat this can end badly... Even if they are my friends... I tried to take deep breaths to lower my heart rate but it was useless. 

"I think his heart is beating, Yuna and it's for us~," Leeseo answered her and her pupils turned into the color of crimson red. 

Here's a fun fact about vampires: When their pupils change colors into a crimson red that means that they want you to be their soulmate and they'll claim you as theirs no matter the cost. And since their pupils changed because of me that means I'm fucked

"If that's the case, let's mark him~!" Yuna says to her and both of their fangs show. 

Crap... I left all of my gear back in the gunship. Great job, Y/N. 

They pounced on me but with my hard training from being a Mandalorian, I managed to push them away and I swiftly make my way to the gunship and lock the hatch. I catch my breath before making my way into the quarters to grab my blaster pistol and put on my vambraces.

I open the cargo hatch, expecting to be ambushed by Leeseo and Yuna but they were nowhere to be found. I can still sense that they're still nearby. 

I slowly venture into the lake forest and it was almost dead quiet but I still kept my guard up. I don't want to kill them but I want to stun them so they would snap out of their vampire mating instinct. 

As I continue to search for the two of them, out of nowhere, one of them ambushed me, I tried stunning Yuna but she knocked the blaster out of my hand and it hit the floor but it was too far for me to reach as I struggled to keep Yuna's fangs away from my neck.

Left with no other option, I activated the flamethrower on my vambrace and it startled Yuna and forced her to back away from me but she hissed at me like a vicious predator hunting its prey. 

"Yuna! This isn't you! Snap out of it!" I yelled at her. 

"What do you mean, Y/N~? I'm perfectly being myself and we just want you to be ours~!" So just let us come and bite you!" Yuna replied to me and Leeseo grabbed a hold of me from behind.

I get her off of me and used my vambrace grappling hook to tie her up, I ejected the robe from the vambrace, and just in time, I blocked Yuna's fangs with my vambrace which made her bite the beskar and she winced in pain. 

"Ow! That hurt!" Yuna screamed after her pupils turn back to normal but it wasn't over yet.

"Sorry, Yuna!" I said to her.

"It's fin- Look out!" Yuna was about to say but she warned me when she saw Leeseo about to bite my neck thankfully I pushed her away, grabbed my blaster that was on the ground, and fired a stunning shot at her.

"Gah!" She screamed before she fell asleep. 

Phew, that was a close one and I need to be more careful when I'm not wearing armor around them. Anyway, after the whole incident, Leeseo and Yuna apologized to me but I forgave them.

In the end, we had a great time in the lake water and I never felt my skin this cool before. I wonder what will be next for me.


End of Chapter

Author: What will be the next activity for Y/N and the two young vampire girls break? Stay tuned to find out! Anyway, I decided to give yall a break from the real action for a bit because the grand finale is coming up after their break is over. If you liked the chapter please leave a vote and comment if you can :)

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