Chapter XVI: Aftermath

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After the whole thing has passed, all of the clan members are currently helping out with the construction workers to clean up and rebuild the city. It's a huge mess and many lives were lost. 

As for me, I'm staring at my mother's body that's covered in a blanket, the room is covered in poppy flowers, murals, and family pictures. What do I do, now? Mother is gone along with the last connection to our ancient ancestors. 

Suddenly, the door opens revealing Suzy holding her husband, she came up to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"You're mother was a brave woman and a great leader to all of us. I miss her too." She said to me.

"Thanks. That means a lot to us." I replied to her and she nodded.

 I looked at the baby that was in her hand, Victor seems to be healthier than it was since the last time I've met him. 

"Victor seems to be doing a lot better," I mentioned to her and she smiled.

"Indeed, thanks to you and the girls, Victor is in perfect health again." She replied to me before caressing his small cheeks making him giggle.

"You know, Leeseo and Yuna should consider raising a human first before marrying them. I think they'd be fit for it." She said to me.

"How so?" I curiously asked her.

"Those two have shown and proven all qualities needed to be a great example and a wife to any lucky guy who they end up with someday. Sure, it will take a couple of decades before they actually marry them but the process is worth it." She explained to me and I nodded.

"I agree," I replied to her. 

All of a sudden, the door opens again revealing to be Yuna and Leeseo along with Irene, they both had empathetic looks on their faces. They all said their condolences and paid their respects to my mother. 

"Hey, Y/N, I hope this isn't a bad time for you," Irene said to me.

"What is it?" I asked her. 

"Well, since your mother has now passed... The Mandalorian creed dictates that whenever the queen or king steps down or dies the next of kin will take the place of the ruler of the Chou Clan and that would be you." She informed and I nodded.

"I understand," I replied to her.

"But there's more. In order for you to officially become the ruler of the Chou Clan along with the entire vampire clans, you must be married to another vampire to signify the unification of the two races." She explained to me.

Well shit... I haven't exactly thought of that... I don't know who I'm going to marry and it's definitely not going to be Tzuyu-Noona that's for sure. Running out of ideas, Leeseo and Yuna came up to me and kissed me on the cheeks. 

This caught me off guard and I looked at them and they were both extremely flustered as hell. 

"W-What was that for?!" I asked them and they both sighed.

"W-We did that b-because the both of us r-really love you." They both said in unison which made my eyes widen. 

"I-I see but I cannot marry the both of you," I mention to them and they frown.

What I didn't notice was that Suzy and Irene were looking at each other and they grinned. They both leave the room and had a private conversation with one another before coming back inside.

"About that you and marrying two vampires," Suzy said to get our attention.

"We can't get married together, right?" Yuna asked her. Irene and Suzy grinned at each other before facing us. 

"It's perfectly fine according to the creed. So that means, Yuna and Leeseo, you are allowed to marry Y/N but make sure that you share him equally between yourselves." Irene explained to them which made me gulp.

After hearing that, Yuna and Leeseo beamed at each other, and we all leave the room in order for Irene to process my mother's body. When we got out of the hospital, Yuna and Leeseo were already clinging to my arms. 

"So... Y/N... Do you want to marry us~?" Leeseo asked me and I stood silent.

"Come on, you're going to have two hot vampires by your side and we all can have fun~," Yuna said to persuade me and I sighed.

"I assume that both of you aren't going to leave me alone until I answer, right?" I assumed and they both nodded which made me shake my head.

"Of course, I accept you two's proposal," I answered and they both squealed in delight. 

When we got to the gunship at the landing pad, I can sense that the two trouble makers are up to something and it was not good. When we got inside and closed the landing hatch, both of them pounced on me in a blink of an eye. 

Their eyes turned into crimson-red color, I think you already know what that means by now, their sharp fangs were showing from their mouths. I'm screwed here. 

"Do we have your permission, Y/N~?" They both asked me in a seductive tone and I nodded.

Immediately both of them bite into my neck at the same time, Yuna on the left and Leeseo on the right and they both pulled out licking off the blood on their fangs.

"Mmm~. Delicious, you're ours now~!" Leeseo said and Yuna evilly giggled. 


End of Chapter

Author: Hope you all enjoyed the story so far and it's not too boring! This is the last chapter before the epilogue and it's going to be interesting! Also, please leave a vote and comment feedback if you can. Until then, have a good day, night, or whatever time you reading this :)

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