Epilogue: What Have We Done...?

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We just got a call from Christopher, he informed us that he might've discovered something on Mount Underworld and that he had recovered ancient relics of our past that we had long forgotten about. 

A few years had passed since the coronation and the wedding ceremony, Yuna and Leeseo follow me to the gunship that landed on the landing pad in our mansion. Both of them were asking me many questions but I wasn't sure of any of the answers so I shrugged.

We climbed up to the cockpit and I turned on the engines before taking off, Christopher had already sent me the coordinates to meet up with him. I have no idea what he has to say to us but I bet it's going to be good.

"Where are we going?" Yuna asked me.

"Back to Mount Underworld," I answered her and she looked scared.

"What? Why?" Leeseo asked me in a worried tone. 

"Christopher told me he had discovered something there and it might be important," I answered her and she nodded.

We had arrived at the coordinates and I can already see the Raider's attack shuttle on the ground, I carefully landed the gunship right next to them before shutting the engines off. 

We jumped down into the cargo hold and opened the landing hatch. From there, the entire Raider squadron greeted us along with Beomgyu and Yeji.

"Beomgyu, it's been a while, I assume Christopher told you as well?" I curiously asked him and he nodded.

"Yep, and I'm excited to see what discoveries await us!" He answered me and I chuckled. 

After our catch-up, Christopher goes on brief us all on what he had found so far, apparently, he found ancient tablets that describe a portal to open to another world but the most interesting part is that it explains that the gateway is the reason why vampires exist in this world.

Everything else is unknown, we hiked the rest of the way to Mt. Underworld for about nearly an hour or so before we reached the cave entrance but it was blocked with boulders because of the last time I was here. 

"Christian, can you spare some explosives?" Jihoon asked. 

"No problem! Just stand back!" He replied to him before planting dynamite onto the rocks and igniting the fuses and we all ran to a safe distance before it exploded causing all of the boulders to collapse.

When the boulders had cleared, the cave entrance was no longer blocked, thus we entered inside and the podiums that were supposed to have gargoyles were gone since I'd blown them up into a million pieces. 

"Let's see the gateway portal should be around here somewhere," Christopher said while looking at his tablet.

"Then let's split up," I suggested and we did that. 

Everyone had split into small groups and we all explored the caverns, so far all we had found were some ancient murals and writings all over the walls. None of them had shown any kind of clue as to where the gateway could be. 

I have no idea if finding the gateway to another world would be a good idea or not considering the consequences of the war between humans and the vampires but we did forge an alliance with each other in the end. 

Anyway, after searching around for who knows how long, I spotted a strange cavern with a giant circle structure on a podium that seem to be guarded by two stone dogs. I grabbed my comlink and informed the others while Yuna and Leeseo have a look around. 

Quickly, the others arrived, Christopher and Beomgyu immediately start their investigation, the portal seems to be in good shape but it also had a keyhole on the side that resembled that a blade needs to be inserted. 

Living in Vampire's Territory | Yuna/Leeseo X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now