Chapter IX: Operation War Mantle

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Yuna's POV

At the moment, me, Leeseo, and Irene-Sunbaenim are exploring the desolated and dark basement. 

The basement is dark as black, I could barely see anything even with my ability to see through dark areas. While I was looking around a utility room where I see a rusted-up circuit breaker.

It didn't look too bad however, I tried opening the metal cover but I see it had a vintage padlock on it. I don't have a key or anything to somehow unlock it. 

I drew my sword and slashed the padlock but it didn't work, I sighed and came up with an idea. I insert the blade inside the opening loop and push the blade downwards which made the lock break. 

I opened the lid and I discover several switches that control the power in different rooms inside the hospital. Hmm... Looks like there are just patient and operating rooms along with other janitor closets and unimportant stuff. 

Oh? What's this? I spotted a strange label right next to a power switch that said "Operation War Mantle". I raised an eyebrow and I probably shouldn't have... I flipped the switch. 




Christoper looked through the logs and other files about this giant beast inside the medical capsule and what its origins are and how long it was there.

I did the same but with the low lighting, I was using the flashlight attached to my helmet to read the journals. 

*power turns on*

All of a sudden, the lights come back on and some of the light bulbs flickered and some exploded. It was bright enough to light up the whole lab, I turned off my flashlight and continued to read.

"Strange. Who could've turned the lights on?" Christopher wondered while looking around.

"Maybe it was the others. Besides it's pretty dark as hell in here." I suggested it to him and he nodded. 

"Indeed," Christopher replied to me. 

When Christopher and I were looking around the lab, we found a computer had turned on, it looks like an old vintage computer. Me and Christopher walked up to it and Christopher began typing on it. 

"Despite its old age, it still works," Christopher tells me. 

"What information does it contain?" I asked him.

"Well, we're about to find out." He replied to me. 

He goes through all the files on the computer and I watched the screen, so far, it was nothing but insignificant data and reports about failed experiments and such. But when we see a file labeled as Operation War Mantle, that's when things got interesting.

He opens the file and there we're pictures of dinosaur fossils and pictures of DNA structures along with lab reports. 

We read the reports and they showed that scientists that worked here had discovered dinosaur fossils in America and other parts of the world. They were Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptors, and all sorts of prehistoric reptiles. 

They all looked bloody terrifying based on the sketches and drawings of what they thought they looked like before they were extinct. 

What's even more interesting about the research operation is that they've discovered a 250 million years old amber trapping a mosquito. 

"This is fascinating, it seems they've attempted to clone dinosaurs but modify their DNA structure to obey them without question," Christopher tells me while reading the lab reports.

"What else? What about that hybrid dinosaur or whatever it is?" I asked him and he continues to read the report.

"It seems that the dinosaur inside the medical capsule is a hybrid dinosaur, it's a T-Rex mixed with a velociraptor along with many other species like the Ankylosaurus which would explain the armor plating on it," Christopher explained to me. 

"So it's a living tank but it's meat," I said to him and he nodded.

"Correct and I also found that the hybrid or what it's called 'Torvolodon' and this creature began its life over 50 years ago before the lab was abandoned," Christopher explained to me. 

"Is there any way to control it?" I asked him.

"Well, they did build a device that projects a laser, when the laser points at the intended target, the Torvolodon will come right to it and devour it," Christopher explained to me and I laid my eyes on the device on the table. 

After Christopher got done looking through all the files about Operation War Mantle, we called in the others and moments later, the rest of the members of the Raiders squadron along with the girls come inside the laboratory. 

They too were shocked by the discovery of the Torvolodon and concerns grew about how we can control the dangerous reptile. Christopher goes on to explain everything we had discovered about it.

We are reluctant about using the Torvolodon as it was still incomplete and the DNA structure still needs adjusting to where the Torvolodon will listen to our command.

Christopher decides to stay back in the laboratory and set up camp. We agreed with his decision and we leave the hospital. 

"You guys find anything?" I asked them but they shook their heads.

"Not really, but can I ask you something?" Irene asked me and I nodded.

"About the herbs, you found along with Leeseo and Yuna, where exactly did you find them?" Irene asked me. 

"It was Mt. Underworld, it was crawling with gargoyles, they tried to kill us for taking them," I answered her.

"Hmm... That's strange because usually, gargoyles guard gateways to other worlds according to the legends so I don't know why exactly they would be guarding herbs." Irene explained to me and I start to think there were more secrets in Mt. Underworld. Perhaps there is a gateway to another world.

Eh, will check it out when this war will come to an end. 


End of Chapter

Author: What will be next for Y/N and the two young vampire girl's adventure? Stay tuned to find out! Anyway, if you liked the chapter please leave a vote and comment if you can :)

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