• chapter twenty nine •

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I wanted to follow this sweet feeling to the pits of hell. The days were wading in and out, and so far none of it was leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Sure, Angel threw her tantrums or one of us had our small moments of irritation but it was nothing that would break the bond we were rebuilding.

Tonight was one of those nights. Of small irritation, I mean.

"Why didn't you take the chicken out?" Dinah braved, her voice louder than necessary.

She'd left Angel and I here while she went to visit her mom. She texted earlier to take food out so she could cook but I got so wrapped up in dealing with A that it slipped my mind.

I was leaning against the counter in thought when she first came home and she nearly blew a gasket right then and there. I was just going to let it go but when I heard how abrasive she was getting, my eyes cut towards her.

"I forgot."

"You forgot?"

"Yes. It's not that big of a deal, why are you yelling?"

"I'm not yelling." She said in an equally high pitch. I looked at her pointedly.

"Then lower your tone."

She leaned back slowly, and it was one of those 'audacity' leans too. A crazy look crossed her eyes.

"Me? Lower my tone? I," She pointed to herself. "Don't have to lower anything. I asked you to do one thing, and you couldn't even do that."

"Bro, it's fuc— it's chicken. You're doing all this for what, we'll just order Chinese or something." I shrugged, turning to walk away from her. I mumbled an 'excuse me' to Angel whose toy I almost knocked over.

Our poor child was sitting on the floor with her doctor's kit looking between the two of us nosily.

"That's not the point. The point is I asked you to do something, and I had a plan to make dinner, and now I can't."

"Okay, so then I'll handle it, you don't have to cook tonight." I scrunched my face up in annoyance. This fucking argument was stupid and I don't see how she could justify having it. Some things just weren't worth it.

"I'm not—" She ran a hand over her face, taking a deep inhale. "Angel, take your toys and go in the room, please."

"Why are you making her leave? She didn't do anything wrong."

"Because she shouldn't be hearing this."

"Says the one who started yelling first."

This shit was childish.

Dinah was giving me a death glare. I looked down at the actual child who seemed to be confused than anything at the back and forth.

I rolled my eyes at her mother and bent to my daughter's level. I helped pick up her toys and pointed in the direction of her bedroom.

"Go to your room, I'll be there in a second."

Angel batted droopy eyes at me and nodded, gathering all her toys into her arm and leaving. When she was gone, I rose to my full height.

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