Chapter One - The Emperor's Golden Boy

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(Press play and set the mood)

It was quite the lonely evening for Emira. Her mother, Odalia, went out for a business meeting with one of her clients. Her younger brother, Edric, is out on a date with someone. And Amity, she had her plans with a special someone at the Eda the Owl Lady's place.

Emira turned up her stereo's volume, vibing to the song as she continued her exam review on illusion projection, flipping to her notebook's pages one by one.

As she continued her study, a hooded figure landed on the roof at the side of her room's window. They couldn't move too much as one of their legs are badly injured. Four huge animal-like claw slashes are planted on their tunic in the chest area.

They looked through the window to see Emira, calmly reading and looking at her Crystal Ball, fact checking some of her notes from the internet.

The figure then knocked on the window using their head, one of their hands grappled on the roof while the other held their staff.

The figure caught Emira's attention. Emira looked behind her to see them waving outside the window, begging her to let them in. She smiled at their presence. Emira performed a spell circle, covering the window's lock with a light blue aura and the window pulled back, making an entrance for the figure, which is none other than Hunter in his Golden Guard outfit, to enter through.

"You could've just used the front door." Emira chuckled.

Hunter leaned on the window's side while breathing heavily.

"Everybody else went out, and my dad's busy down in the basement all day. It's practically his tomb now." She joked, making Hunter chuckle.

He then weakly crawled through the window and collapsed on the room's floor. This shook Emira as her expression shifted from laughter to concern, noticing Hunter's severe wounds and claw marks.

"Hunter-" She turned off her stereo and quickly rushed towards him and helped him get back on his feet.

Hunter maintained his balance with his artificial staff.

"What happened?" Emira asked, escorting him to the bed.

Hunter dropped his staff on the floor as he felt more pain on his chest. His blood visible through his tunic, he pressed his hand on it to try applying pressure.

"I tracked down one of the missing Coven Leaders." Hunter weakly stated.

"So, who was it this time?" Emira asked.

"Who do you think?" Hunter coughed, his voice echoed inside the mask.

He quickly lost his balance and dropped on his knees, Emira almost fell with him.

"Hey, hey. You okay?" Emira clasped Hunter's shoulder, he replied by nodding. Obviously, he was not fine.

"I'm fine, I-" He coughed again, interrupting his own sentence.

"I just need a minute to...-" Hunter stopped at his words, and collapsed to the floor, leaving Emira frightened at the thought of him dying.

"HUNTER! Oh, dear Titan..." Emira shrieked in shock, her eyes were on the verge of leaking tears out while she was staring at Hunter's could-be-dead body.

She took off Hunter's mask and checked his breath. She was relieved that he is still breathing and alive, but definitely not for long without further assistance. Emira started to take off his white cloak to inspect the main injuries including the slash marks on his chest, while Hunter's body is lying on the floor.

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