Chapter Two - Chasing a Rainestorm

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Panic and chaos floods Bonesborough's main street. Everyone present already escaped the scene fearing for their lives. Ratworm carts flipped over along with the ratworms themselves injured. Some civilian witches were still hiding in fright. In the middle of the street, the Golden Guard landed with both of his legs like a cat always landing on its feet. Hunter analyzed the destruction caused by whatever went past. The damage was so catastrophic it couldn't have been caused by just one person, but many. Hunter thought even if it's just one, they're pretty strong.

Another thing he noticed is the rubble and ruins were covered in purple abomination goo, presumably a witch who specializes in abomination magic are the ones who did all this. A bystanding Bonesborough citizen ran past Hunter going in the opposite direction he's heading.

"Why are you running?! What's goin-" Hunter didn't bother to finish his sentence as the witch didn't stop running.

As Hunter explores more of the destruction, he notices a middle aged female witch hiding behind a flipped over cart.

"Ma'am? Are you okay?" Hunter asked the fearing witch, she shrieked in surprise to see the Golden Guard.

"GOLDEN GUARD!" She screamed.

"I'm going to get you out of here. But first, tell me what happened here?" He asked calmly, whereas the lady he questioned still cowered in fear.

She still never answered due to her shock. Hunter tolerates this.

"Okay, don't answer me. Just get to somewhere safe at least." He lends a hand toward the lady.

She grabs it and gets up before running away to safety.

With civilians out of the picture, Hunter ventures deeper into the abomination wreckage. It was a few moments before he met the stone statue of Emperor Belos constructed in a center area. But the only difference is, it is vandalized with more of those abomination goo. Written on the emperor's stone torso is...

"'For my dear Golden Guard'? What does that...?-" Hunter asked to himself, reading the cryptic message written on the statue.

He was too stunned to finish his sentence.

Unbeknownst to Hunter, particles of leftover abomination goo started to move on their own and they slowly gathered under a sewer hatch behind him.

After a few moments when the gathering was complete, an explosion of abomination goo blew out from the sewer hatch, extremely scaring Hunter to the point he screamed like someone would do when watching a horror movie. 

The goo assembled together like little puzzle pieces. An arm was formed in the lumps of goo, and transformed into a support pillar that quickly slams to the ground, almost hitting Hunter as he dodged by quickly backflipping onto a flipped over cart.

On top of the massive slime, a pair of bright green eyes glowed under it. Multiple green eyes appeared on the lump, slowly molding into a figure of a person. Hunter quickly realized who the mysterious figure was. After a while, the massive lump shaped into what appears to be the head witch of the abomination coven, Darius Deamonne.

"Hello, Golden Guard." Darius greeted in a threatening way.

Hunter only tactically posed while pondering in confusion.


"Darius? What are you doing? You know property damage is a punishable offense, right?" Hunter said jokingly, trying to calm himself down with humor, but he's still genuinely confused.

"I've been waiting a long time for this..." Darius said in a mocking tone, avoiding Hunter's sarcastic question.

"'I've been waiting for- What did you say?" Hunter said to Darius who's elevated on an abomination platform above his level.

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