Chapter Seven - A Blight For Sore Eyes

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The three sides looked at each other sternly. Jules' eyes twitched looking at Steve and Lilith while she smiled menacingly at Hunter. Jules finally opened her palm, sending massive energy bullets towards Steve and Lilith. Hunter immediately teleported right in front of the two and swung his staff at the bullets, deflecting them from hitting their target. Jules shielded herself from the deflected shots using a force field.

Hunter launched himself at her and swung his staff down, but was blocked by the force field. His neck was grabbed by an abomination tendril and got violently thrown back to a pile of rubble. Hunter felt like his backbone was severely broken just because of how hard he got thrown. With Hunter incapacitated, it was easier for Jules to kill him, forming an abomination axe.

She suddenly felt her abomination arm not being able to move, she saw her hand being covered in purple aura. Jules looked up to see Alador controlling her axe using the same purple aura. She pulled her axe down aggressively, causing Alador to fall off the edge. Lilith sees him falling, so she throws her white raven staff towards him, he successfully caught it and holds onto it. 

Hunter used his staff to levitate the chunk of debris pinning down Lilith using his staff while Jules chased Alador flying on Lilith's staff around her.

"Thanks." Lilith said as she's being pulled out of the rubble by Hunter.

"Now what?" She asked.

They heard Alador screaming again, he was finally struck down by an abomination tendril, sending him falling towards them. But he was able to save himself from damage as he summoned a liquid abomination platform he could land on, rolling back onto his feet.

Piles of rocks started to levitate around Jules, along with the sound of violin being strummed and played. Jules followed where the music was coming from, she looked behind her to see Raine using their violin to lift the debris. They strummed their final note aggressively, sending rocks flying at Jules, but she formed a purple force field to shield her from it.

"Nice bard skills. Now witness mine." She said, summoning a keytar using a spell circle. She pressed the keynotes on it masterfully, releasing soundwaves towards Raine. Raine wasn't too quick as it landed a hit on them, sending them onto a wall.

Debris started to fall on Raine, Hunter saw this and immediately used his staff to teleport to them, followed by grabbing their arm and teleporting back to the rest of the group.

"Hey, the last fifteen years of training finally paid off, didn't it?" Jules looked down at the group.

"Okay, we've officially underestimated her! What's your plan now, Golden Guard?" Alador asked.

"Whatever you're planning, it won't work." Jules said. Dust and little pebbles of brick started to fall on her, but she didn't realize it.

"Uhh, Jules? You might wanna look up...?" Hunter pointed out.

"Don't play tricks on me, Goldie. I'm not an idiot."

"You'll be a lot dumber if you don't look up!" He yelled.

Jules finally felt a pebble fall on her shoulder. She looked up to see Kikimora, kicking a loose brick platform down. After a few more kicks, she successfully kicked it down, sending it falling on Jules.

"OH COME ON-" Jules was immediately struck down by the massive rubble, creating a huge cloud of dust to blanket the others. Hunter widened his eyes over the pile of rubble with Jules' body crushed under. Kikimora jumped and landed beside the group.

"What the heck, Kiki?! You probably could've killed her!" Hunter gestured at the rubble.

"She was going to kill us first, so I don't see how that's a problem." She said calmly as he couldn't process the fact that she wasn't hesitant to drop an entire brick floor on Jules. Hunter sighed, lifting the rubble easily using his staff's magic and throwing it somewhere else.

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