Chapter Four - Last But Not Beast

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The situation escalates, Hunter lunged himself using his staff towards Terra, who summoned one of her monstrous plants to devour Emira's head, still struggling in Terra's clutches. The staff's gem glowed red, and quickly morphed into an axe blade under Hunter's command. Hunter went for the stem of the said plant and the one holding Emira, chopping both with the axe blade.

His attack killed the monstrous plant and cut the stem holding Emira, but this action immediately sent Emira falling to the hard floor. Her fall was stopped when Hunter caught her in his arms, preventing her death as they both landed while Terra was still stunned by her plant vines getting all cut up.

"Are you okay?" Hunter asked as Emira was still breathing rapidly, still in shock by her fall.

"Y-yeah- I'm fine." She stuttered.

"Go, get out of here! It's not safe!" He instructed, setting her down.

"What?! What are you doing?! I can't just leave you here alone, we BOTH get out of here!" Emira panickly said before Hunter's leg was snatched by a vine.

The vine pulled him by the leg and threw him across the room, ending by him landing roughly through a fragile wooden bench. Emira gasped and covered her mouth at the throw, fearing for her life and not wanting to be spotted by Terra as she was hiding from her. Terra approached the bench Hunter landed on with spiky plants at the ready.

A brown glove bursts through the wood, followed by Hunter, in full Golden Guard uniform, jumping out of it with his artificial staff prepared. Emira widened her eyes at his appearance and whispered under her breath, "Whoa..."

She witnessed a fight between Hunter and Terra unfold. Hunter made his move by lunging himself towards Terra, who currently has the higher ground. Terra then launched herself towards Hunter also. They clash together in the middle, but Hunter's smart enough to dodge Terra's attack and grabs one of her vines from the side, pulling her down to her side resulting in her hitting the floor.

"Emira! Get out of here! I can handle this!" Hunter pinned Terra down by the neck with his staff, trying to incapacitate her. Meanwhile, Emira reluctantly went for the cathedral's exit knowing Hunter is an experienced fighter and may be able to take Terra down.

"Come on, Terra! Snap-dragon out of-" His pun interrupted by a vine grabbing him by the leg again, this time she threw him to a scaffolding above the nave. She sent out her spike plants to stab Hunter, but he quickly moved out of the projectiles' way. He used his staff magic to lift a bench in the nave and threw it towards Terra. She formed a cocoon made out of leaves around her to protect herself from getting hit.

The bench knocked Terra back, not strong enough to knock her out, but she received damage. As she retracted her cocoon, she witnessed Hunter launching himself towards her again. He knocked her back again, Hunter tried to incapacitate her by hitting her head with the staff, but Terra sent out more of her vines to push him away.

As Emira finally made it out of the building, Hunter was suddenly pushed through the cathedral's main, round window. The glass rained down on Emira, making her cover her head to not get skewered by little pieces of glass. Hunter quickly grappled on the ledge outside the window with a hand, he looked down to see Emira, looking back at him with worry.

"I got this! I got-" He said, trying to pull himself up before getting yanked back screaming into the building by a plant vine latching onto his mask. Emira looked at the shadows cast from inside the window, and heard nothing but ruckus and more fighting. She knew she couldn't just leave Hunter behind all helpless with no backup. She tapped both of her shoes on the ground, thinking if she should return into the building to help Hunter.

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