Chapter Five - Assembly Required

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Hunter slowly opened his eyes, but it was no use due to his vision being blurry at the moment. He rested on what felt like a comfortable and soft surface. His eyes adjusted on their own, and the blur began to wipe away.

Hunter found himself in a bedroom with rouge pink, gradient walls from top to bottom. The main memorable thing about the whole bedroom to him is the bunk bed, which is the largest object in the room.

"Please don't move too much. I need to concentrate." A familiar voice instructed Hunter to stay still, drawing his attention from examining the room further.

"E...- Emira?" He looked beside him to see the green haired girl he's been talking to lately, holding her hands up above Hunter's injured chest. Emira's hands are glowing with a light blue aura, pointed at Hunter's exposed chest.

He immediately panicked inside, blushing badly as his yellow tunic was removed without him knowing.

"Where are my clothes?!" Hunter asked.

"Relax, goldie. I didn't destroy it, because it already is destroyed." She replied, Hunter restored his memories from earlier this evening at the carnival. The destruction, the chaos, and the fight with Eberwolf.

As small as they are in size, Hunter must admit that Eberwolf is powerful as heck, almost butchering him to death if it wasn't for Emira.

"Speaking of which, what happened to you? I've never seen this kind of wounds up close." She asked back.

"You would never...- guess who I ran into at the Bonesborough Carnival." Hunter groaned as the pain on his chest started to grow back again, but it immediately disappeared when Emira held her hands above certain parts of the wound.


"The head witch of the Beast Keeping Coven." He hinted.

"Eberwolf?" She gasped, Hunter only nodded.

"They were the last head witch I knew that went missing, unless this 'Wicked Witch' character already snatched another one recently." He explained.

"Well, you don't need to overthink about that right now. You need some rest." She instructed him.

"I guess you're right, but I can't stay here long. Once I'm fully patched up, I need to leave before my uncle starts to grow mad at me." Hunter said.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen anytime soon. I understand about the emperor part but with wounds like this, this'll probably take a few hours to fully heal." Emira said, still radiating her healing magic towards him.

Hunter contemplated her words first. He thought Belos probably saw the whole incident at the carnival through the news, and that he beat Eberwolf in the fight. So with him taking down another coven leader alone and making it out alive without a scratch, Hunter assumed he would receive a gold star from the emperor.

"Okay..." Hunter said in a sad way. Emira noticed this but continued to heal his wounds.


"Any news of him?" Belos asked his personal assistant, Kikimora, for the whereabouts of Hunter.

"Unfortunately not, my liege. No one has seen him after the fight with Eberwolf. I'm sorry." Kikimora tried her best to act sad and feel sorry about Hunter, but deep down she was glad, hoping her secret rival would be found dead by now.

Belos grumbled at the news. A coven scout neared him, carrying a tray with a palisman on top of it. Belos then took the palisman and cut it open using his sharp finger and poured the magical green essence leaking out of it, through his mask's eye holes as Kikimora only watched him do this while kneeling at the foot of his throne.

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