Monkey see, monkey do

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Australia and South Africa were searching all over the park for the monkey and child, but were ending up mostly unsuccessful. 

"His bandana! He must be nearby!" Australia exclaimed, picking up Texas's bandana off the floor. Suddenly, they noticed a large group of people gathered around the panda enclosure. Australia and South Africa pushed their way through the crowd, and stared in fear at what everyone else was watching.

"Texas! Get back here! Leave it!" Australia exclaimed, but Texas ignored him. He and the monkey were standing forty feet apart, staring each other down. Texas was ready to draw the water gun he took from one of the concession stands he walked past. The monkey didn't appear to have a weapon, but there was a gleam in his eyes. The panda was just watching, munching on bamboo like pandas do.

"This zoo ain't big enough for the both of us," Texas said. The monkey screeched at him, but he kept his cool. 

"Texas, when Ame and Mex find out they are going to be so mad!" Australia shouted. Texas continued to ignore him. Suddenly, the monkey charged at him, so Texas drew his gun and shot him.

This monkey also happened to be a trained hollywood monkey they used in a bunch of Indiana Jones-esque films.

The monkey saw the gun and felt the impact, so he played along and fell over. Texas walked up to the monkey and stuffed his water gun pack into his pocket. 

"No more monkeying around for you," Texas said. The crowd cheered, because what else would you do when a cowboy saves the day? Australia and South Africa rushed in to the enclosure and picked both the monkey and Texas up.

"What the hell Tex?! Your dads are gonna kill me when they find out!" Australia exclaimed.

"Monkey see, monkey do," Texas said.

"Haha, very funny... c'mon, lets go get some lunch," Australia said.

"Yaaaay!" Texas exclaimed.

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