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(Btw I guess I'll put this here because I feel like maybe I should idk: Luca and Coco belong to Disney/Pixar and all that jazz so whenever those movies are referenced just know that I didn't make 'em lolololololol)

Texas got to Italy's house, and masterfully broke in through the purposefully unlocked front door. His dad was waiting in the car, but Texas didn't mind, because he's a cowboy, and they do things on their own.

Suddenly, Texas was surrounded by a bunch of wolves. He thought it was strange that the wolves were tiny and fluffy and also barking at him, however he didn't mind.

"Back! Back I say!" Texas exclaimed, making himself look bigger, which wasn't too big of an issue because he was already much bigger than the 'wolves' anyway. He rushed upstairs to get to Tito's room, where he heard California making baby noises. However, there were laser traps in the hallway, which were totally not just lines of red duct tape strung from wall to wall. Texas masterfully navigated his way through, only accidentally touching the tape once, however he figured it didn't count because no alarms went off. He went into Tito's room...

But was suddenly trapped in a cage!

(It's ok, it's just a large laundry basket with a chain-link pattern)

"Hahaha!! I've caught you!!" Tito exclaimed. Texas put on his best spiteful glare, but couldn't help but smile when seeing his sister trying to eat Tito's toy train.

"Alright, now that we have our captive, who wants pizza?" Italy asked, who was standing at the door the entire time, waiting to trap Texas with the 'cage'.

"Oh! I want some!" Texas exclaimed.

"Capisco, you're our prisoner... soooo I guess it's our job to feed you," Tito said. Texas smiled, because pizza, y'know?

Soon, Texas was allowed out of the cage, and at the dinner table with Tito and Italy. California was sitting in Tito's old high chair, havin a good ole time.

"How do you like the pizza?" Italy asked. Texas was too busy stuffing his face to respond coherently, but gave a thumbs up.

"Shoo should Um ober shoo mah how, ah all mah ya fajas," Texas said with his mouth full of pizza.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, you'll choke!" Tito exclaimed worriedly, before tensing up. "And I'll laugh if you do!! I'll laugh a lot!!" Tito insisted. Texas wasn't mad, because that's hard to do when pizza.

Later, after dinner, Texas and Tito were hanging out on the couch, and Italy turned on the TV.

"What would you guys like to watch?" Italy asked.

"Coco!" Texas exclaimed.

"NO, we should watch Luca because it's better," Tito said, his arms crossed.

"I haven't seen that one yet," Texas said.

"DUH BECAUSE YOUR A DUMMY," Tito exclaimed.

"Italo, watch what you say," Italy said sternly. Tito pouted.

"...we can watch Luca," Texas said, curious of the movie. Tito looked over at his nemesis in frustration.

"No! We're watching Coco instead! You're still a captive, pivello, you don't make decisions, I do! And we're watching Coco!!" Tito exclaimed,

"... can we watch Luca after?" Texas asked. Tito sighed.

"Fine...," Tito said, before Noticing Texas smiling at him. "BUT NOT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO, BECAUSE I WANT TO!" Tito exclaimed. Texas remembered hatred, and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I'm having a bad time because I am kidnapped," Texas said angrily. With that, they started watching Coco.

Tito loved it

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