Three's a crowd

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A few days later, Mexico decided to have a fun day with friends. So, he invited Italy and Philipa over and told them to bring their kids.

"So Tex, would you rather go to the art museum, or the aquarium?" Mexico asked.

"Uhhhh I dunno! I like fishes but I also like pictures!" Texas exclaimed.

"Well, I guess we'll decide when everyone gets here," Mexico said. Suddenly, Texas noticed a Vespa in their driveway. He made an excitement noise and ran out to greet the people on it.

"Is that a Vespa?!!?!" Texas exclaimed.

"Uh-huh!! Papà found it in his storage and fixed it up for me to drive when I'm a adult!!" Tito exclaimed, Italy helping him out of the child seat he had affixed onto the Vespa. Once he was standing, Texas toppled him over with a biiiiig hug. The two were giggling, having a fun time. Italy and Mexico smiled, happy their sons were getting along. Suddenly, a car pulled into the driveway behind them.

"Hello you four... I didn't know Italy and Tito would be here," Philipa said, getting out of the car, and helping PJ unbuckle his seatbelt.

"I didn't know you'd be here either," Italy said.

"Well, I never implied either or neither of you would be here to each other, buuuut you don't mind, right?" Mexico said, In a very "I-know-you-two-are-still-mad-at-each-other-but-our-kids-are-already-here-and-playing-tag-together-so-suck-it-up" kind of way. Philipa and Italy exchanged looks.

"Hm... guess not," Italy said. The three got in Mexicos car, and they went on their way.

"So, aquarium or art? They're both in the same area, so we can go either way.

"Aquarium!!!" Tito exclaimed.

"ART!" PJ exclaimed, mostly to counter.

"What do you think Tex?" Mexico asked. Texas paused, realizing that if you are in an odd numbered group, it's inevitable you have to pick a side at one point, even over something as small as where to go.

"...can we do both?" Texas asked. Mexico shrugged.

"I'm up for it. How much time do you two have?" Mexico asked the adults.

"As long as we're home by ten, I'm fine with seeing both," Philipa said. Italy nodded in agreement.

"Both it is then!" Mexico exclaimed happily, the kids cheering. First, they went to the aquarium.

"Fishes!!!" Texas exclaimed excitedly, the kids all havin a blast staring at the pretty fishies.

"Where are the sharks papà?" Tito asked.

"They're over this way... it's a bit scary over there," Italy said, looking at the more threatening murals of vicious sharks, and deep-sea creatures, directly opposite of the end of the aquarium with beautiful murals of dolphins. Which is stupid imo.

F*ck dolphins

I hate dolphins

Anyway, the boys, knowing that they could easily beat up a shark if they wanted too, happily skipped to the shark exhibit, planning to go to the deep sea exhibit next. They stared in wonder at the beautiful sharks, swimming around and being sharky.

"Tito, have you ever seen a shark up close like this before? My Uncle Aussie has a robot leg because of a shark," Texas said.

"I've seen his leg, it's awesome!! But no, I haven't seen a shark this close... not when I was in the water, at least," Tito said.

"Sharks can smell blood from miles and miles away... Tex, your eye doesn't bleed still, does it?" PJ asked, hoping that the glass between them and the sharks was shark-proof.

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