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Spain led Texas to the horses, and Texas was so excited that he was jumping up and down and skipping in anticipation.

"HORSES! Oh my gooooooshhhhh April is so small!!" Texas exclaimed, climbing into the horse stable without help or permission.

"Like you," Spain said.

"And one day, I'll be taller than you! Me and April will be cowboys together," Texas said, petting April, who immediately seemed to like the tiny human.

"Well, if your neighborhood allows horses... maybe you can keep April," Spain said.

"REALLY!??!?!" Texas exclaimed.

"Maybe. I'll have to talk to your fathers first," Spain said. Texas didn't hear that last part because he already stopped listening to everything and was just fawning over the cute little horsey.

"Can we go for a ride?!" Texas exclaimed.

"April is still too small, but you can go with her brother Angel," Spain said, motioning to a white horse. Texas nodded enthusiastically, and Spain helped him onto Angel. Before Spain could react, Texas and Angel began riding around the farm as fast as Angels legs could take them.

"TEXAS BE CAREFUL!" Spain exclaimed as Texas was having the bestest time ever.

"Abueloooooo! Look!" Texas exclaimed, even though Spain was 100% looking and being scared for his grandsons safety.

"Slow down!" Spain exclaimed. Texas didn't want to, but Angel was a good boy and slowed down enough for Spain to catch up to them and grab Texas. "You need to listen to me! And ask permission before doing risky things like that! You could get hurt!" Spain exclaimed.

"Imma cowboy! I know what I'm doing!" Texas exclaimed happily. Spain sighed.

"Oh mi vida... one of these days you're going to get yourself hurt...," Spain said. Texas disregarded this. After all, he's a cowboy, and they don't get hurt.

Spain was walking Texas through the farm, and Texas was asking questions about life.

"Do you eat animals?" Texas asked.

"No, I grow far too attached to them... I'm a vegetarian mostly. I'll eat meat, but only if it's not from my farm," Spain said.

"Cool! I don't like eating animals so I only eat burgers, nugget, and fries," Texas said.

"Burgers and nuggets are... um... nevermind, you eat what you want," Spain said.

"Abuelo? Where's abuela?" Texas asked.

"Oh... don't have an abuela," Spain said.

"Oh... why not? Where'd she go?" Texas asked.

"Uh... hey do you wanna meet the chickens?" Spain asked.

"YES!" Texas exclaimed, forgetting everything he was just talking about

My face hurts

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