Ch.8 ~ Vatos & The Warning Pt.2

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Y/n's POV

Anger coursed through me as I marched my way through the office building back to the room I had been in an hour ago with Glenn and the others.

Turning the corner to the room I barged in a hand pointing behind me as I spoke making my presence known. "What the hell happened back there?"

It was obvious I was annoyed as when I was speaking Rick stood in front of me preventing me from walking any further.

"This little turd and his douchebag friends came out of nowhere and jumped me." Daryl explains pacing back and forth catching my attention when he points in front of him to my right.

Looking over Rick's shoulder I see the boy from the alley. "Man, you're the one who jumped me. Screaming about trying to find his brother like it's my damn fault."

As the boy spoke Rick moved and now stood leaned up against a desk as we all looked at the shaved head boy.

"They took Glenn. Could've taken Merle too." Daryl accused, still pacing.

"Merle? What kind of hick name is that? Wouldn't name my dog Merle." The boy said angering Daryl as he goes to lunge at the boy but is held back by Rick and I.

"Hey, leave it to me." I whisper as Daryl looked down at me with a hard gaze. I turn back to the boy pulling a chair out to his left, facing the boy.

"Maybe not but I'm sure Skylla will love meeting you." I state sitting down crossing one leg over the other as I lean back.

"Who the hell's that?" He asks, looking me up and down before looking into my e/c eyes. "Hey, you're the idiot who zipwired across half the city."

Sucking on my lip with a smirk I chuckle light. "Skylla's my dog, a husky and unless you wanna loose that tongue; I suggest you watch your mouth."

As I answered the boy he chuckled when I told him about my dog. "You called your dog Skylla?"

"Think you could've come up with a better one?"

"Of course I could." He states aggressively.

"I'm listening." I leant forward in my chair, my arms resting on my knees.

The boy hesitates in his answer as he shuffles a little. "Well I can't think of one right now... I ain't even met the bitch. Why are you telling me about her anyway?"

"Hmm." I hummed. "She hasn't eaten in a few days, gets a little antsy she hasn't so we kept her chained up outside the city. She'll be happy to know I found her some food." I say in a dark tone with a smirk on my face.

The boy shifted uncomfortably as fear took over him. " wouldn't do that." He states hesitantly. "You're military, aren't you all about the law?"

"Police are the law, military is a little more complex. A common misunderstanding. Part of my training required taking extreme actions if deemed the only way to obtain information. So have a little think on what I would and wouldn't do."

I stand up once I had finished explaining that to the boy and grabbed Glenn's bag from Daryl's hands. I opened it up, grabbing Merles' cut of hand still wrapped in the cloth as I turn to the boy.

"The last person to underestimate my abilities..." I start looking to the cloth covering the hand, then throwing it on the boys lap. "Well that's what's left of him."

The boy screamed squirming out of the chair stumbling to the ground as he shuffled back till he hit the wall behind him. I knelt down in front of him, my expression stoic and I harshly grabbed one his ankles pulling on it till he lay below me.

Daryl's Lullaby ~ Daryl Dixon x Reader ~ On Temporary HoldWhere stories live. Discover now