Hero In Need

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What the hell is wrong with earphones, they always get fucking tangled or some shit. You could put them nicely on a table and come back fifteen minutes later to find them messed up again, It can't be a coincidence. Is gravity playing tricks on me?
    I jump up and down in the cold weather while trying to untangle these fucks, looking like a child that didn't get sweets at the store.
After a while of fidgeting and thousands of irritated steps onto the concrete I chose not to battle with them anymore and slide the earphones in my pocket. 
    I hate Mondays, everything is shit and you are always so fucking tired. Well I'm not that tired anymore because of my little tantrum I threw at a literal object.
    I see the big red bus swinging round' the corner and get my card ready, so that I don't have to pull it out on the bus. But just as the bus stops in front of me someone taps me on the shoulder.
I turn around to see a breathtaking man about my age with hair to his shoulders.

-Hello, I'm so sorry if I'm bothering you but I think you dropped these.' In a swift motion he holds up my earphones and dangles them in the air.

-Oh yeah those are mine! Thank you so much, I guess I didn't hear them drop to the ground.' I answer and hold open my hand underneath the earphones. The man drops them into my palm and my fingers close around them, actually putting them in my pocket this time.

-Eh no biggie, don't worry.' The man smiles a warm smile at me which almost makes me loose my breath.
   I hear something behind me and turn around, seeing the annoyed chauffeur honking at me.

-I'm so sorry but I really have to go, thank you again!' I say as I turn around again to face the handsome man.

-No it's totally fine, and I'm sorry if this comes off as weird but could I maybe get your number?' The man says kind of awkwardly, which only makes him cuter.

-Sure!' I quickly pull out my sketchbook and tear out a page, scribbling the numbers onto it.
'Here you go' I continue as I hold the paper out.

-Thanks, I'll ring you!' The man says waiting and I give him a kind smile.

The cute man speed walks away and I whip my card out and pay for the bus ride, sitting at the front.
    I was almost late for my meet up with my friends, but it was worth it all the way.
  I sit calmly in my seat and finally untangle the stupid earphones, putting on my favourite song.

A smile creeps onto my face as I think about the handsome stranger, I haven't even gotten his name yet.


I probably won't be updating too much but I will every once in a while, I promise!
This was so much fun to write and I hope that you enjoyed the first bit!

(516 words)

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