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The bus ride was calming, even though there were bumps in the road.
   I was enjoying listening to my music, but still being careful not to have the volume too high to bother the other passengers. The crisp air was frosting on the window and my hot breath created a white fog on top of it.
   The jacket hugged my body and I wrapped it just a little bit tighter in an attempt to keep the warmth from leaking from my body.

After a while I found myself pressing the red button to alarm the driver to drop me off by the next stop.
I forced myself up from my seat and walked out into the late autumn air.
   I walked to the library where I was supposed to meet my friends, I had already taken out my earphones way long ago and put them in my pocket. I was more careful now and made sure that I didn't drop them this time.

-Hey Y/N!! ' I heard my friends call from inside the library and I greeted them with a smile filled with excitement.

We sat down and picked out our books, I drank a drink that I brought from home.

We had been reading for hours and it was getting dark out so I finally put my book in my bag.
It had been so very relaxing just sitting here, it's nice when you can hang out with your friends while doing separate things without really saying that much.

I said goodbye to my friends and stood up but froze in place, my eyes locked on one boy.

It was the same boy from earlier that day, why didn't he catch the bus if he was going to the same place? Well I didn't really care too much because I really did find him interesting and handsome.

You know that feeling you get when someone is looking at you? Well I'm assuming that he felt that because he spun around and locked his eyes with mine.

It's silly to feel this way the second time you see someone but I really felt the fuzzy feeling forming in my stomach.
   He smiled at me and I just couldn't do anything, I just felt myself starting to blush and he chuckled a little bit. I threw him a quick smile and ran out the door.

This was such a wonderful but overwhelming feeling.

Authors Note
Thank you for liking the first chapter! I didn't really think anyone would do that on the first chapter so thank you so much <3

(430 words)

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