Hotel breakfast

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Staying at a hotel has so many great things about it. The beds are always amazing to sleep in, the sheets soft against your skin. The bathroom always looks incredibly welcoming, and it's almost impossible to put on your skincare without acting as if you're an influencer making a video. The water pressure is always incredible in the shower, you always feel clean and fresh when you leave it.
But the best thing, the S-tier stuff about a hotel, is the breakfast. Nobody can deny it, the breakfast always has a wide range of choices and it always tastes amazing.
The coffee, the juice, the fruit, the food (and lets be honest, the pancakes are one of the best things in the cafeteria) but even the water tastes better than ever. The ice seems to last longer and it keeps your drink cold.

That is exactly why you were so eager to get to the lobby.

As you walked to breakfast your hand brushed against his multiple times, until he finally just decided to gently take your hand.
The both of you still hadn't talked about the night prior, and what it meant to the two of you, but as long as you knew you didn't regret a second of it.

The scent of the breakfast hit you in the face the second you stepped into the cafeteria, and you smiled at it.

"Not gonna lie, I'm kind of grateful you dragged me here now" Alex chuckled, and so did you.

"Well, it would be good if you learned that I'm right 99% of the time" you smiled, and you walked over to a table.

"Okay, uhm- how do we do this-" you pondered a moment before speaking again "alright, you'll stay here while I grab breakfast, and then when I'm back you can get your plate- that sound good?" you looked at him to see if he approved of your words.

"Yeah sure, we can do that!" he smiled at you and you smiled back, blushing ever so slightly as you walked away to grab your breakfast.

~About ten minutes later~

Both of you were sat laughing quietly as you spoke to eachother, your breakfast already eaten.

"Oh- oh my god I can't believe you did that-" you put your face in your hands as you desperately tried to laugh more quietly.

"Shut up! I just- sometimes when I'm on stage I forget that literally thousands of people are looking at me" he laughed, covering his mouth with his hands as he tightly shut his eyes.

"Yeah? Well maybe don't fucking crawl around the stage!" you laughed even harder and covered your face with your hands completely.

The both of you were sat like that, laughing uncontrollably and trying so desperately to not disturb the other guests of the hotel.

"Shut- shut the fuck up" Alex pointed weakly at you as he tried to keep a straight face, which failed miserably.

"Aye! Be polite, I'll bite you" your smile crept through your terrible attempt at looking serious.

"Yeah? Well maybe I'd like that" Alex smiled, until he realised what he'd said. His smile faltered ever so slightly as he started blushing.

Your mouth fell agape as you blushed, smiling.

"What?" you laughed lightly.

Alex looked at you for a moment, completely dumbfounded.

"Uhm- ignore that" he shook his head, sighing slightly as he sunk into his chair.

"Nuh uh, don't think I will" you smiled, lightly kicking his leg underneath the table.

"Shut up" he rolled his eyes, but you could see a slight smile which he covered with his hand.

Oh how this tour would be fun.

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