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The sound of your laughter dies out when you got on the bus, you didn't want to be annoying for the other passengers. But you just couldn't resist giggling every once in a while at your stupidity.
   This was such a silly idea, but it made you happy so why should you care?
The bus ride was mostly quiet after your laughing fit and you started glancing at Alex. He was really handsome.
   His sharp jawline was hidden with his fluffy hair.
He turned to look at you as well and you quickly stole a look at his eyes before you, embarrassed, decided to look away. His brown eyes reminded you of chocolate, you know that really expensive kind?
Yeah that one, the kind of chocolate that rich people eat with whiskey.
He was beautiful.

He noticed your glances after a while and then proceeded to chuckle a little bit.
-You really can't keep your eyes off of me' He said with a grin, and you could feel the blood rising to your cheeks. It sounded more like a statement than a question.
-No' you mumbled. You didn't want to tell him but felt the need to.

He let a small laughter escape his lips as he put his head against the head rest and closed his eyes.
You decided to do the same.
You could hear his even breathing beside you and you tried to control yours by mimicking it.

After a while he broke the silence.
-You are very pretty too, you know' he said. You liked the word pretty, It's so simple yet it has so much meaning.
You smiled, your eyes still closed.
-You sure are a gentleman mister Turner' You said. It was cheesy but you didn't really care, neither did he. He was the type of person to like cheesy stuff, just like you.

You stayed quiet after that but it wasn't embarrassing or anything, more comfortable.
Then, after a while, he reached his arm over you to press the button.
It was such a simple gesture yet it made you blush.

When the bus stopped he stood up and you followed, hopping out of the bus.
The cold air unexpectedly hit you in the face.

-Jesus, wasn't expecting that' You said as you hugged your body.
    You shook a bit in your jacket, but suddenly you felt something around you.
    Alex had pulled you into his side, with his arm around your shoulder. Butterflies were loose in your stomach and you leaned into his side.
   You had just met so he was probably just doing this to warm you up, that's it.
    You were enjoying the moment but after a little bit of walking you were by the library and Alex opened the door for you.

-As I said, Gentleman' You said as you walked in.
He chuckled a little bit and closed the door behind him.
You sat down on the red leather sofa and he sat beside you.

-What are you reading?' He asked while he looked at your bag, the corner of the book was peeking out.
You picked it up and held it in the air, showing it off.

-Twilight' You said as he took the book out of your hands. It was kind of overrated but you liked it nonetheless.

-I was never the guy for these kind of books, or books at all actually but I might just check this one out' He said as he handed you back the book.

You blushed at the idea of inspiring him to read.

-It's kind of overrated I'm not gonna lie but It's still very good' You explained and he nodded, smiling.
"I assume you know what it's about" you continued.

-Well I know the basics but not in detail' He said.

-Then that is just perfect! It's nice when you are reading a book without even looking at the movies as well, but maybe you have done that' You said with a smile plastered on your face. He replied with a warm smile as he looked you in the eyes.

-Well, You'll have to show me that movie someday' He said, a bit more quietly than before as if he was ashamed that he hadn't seen it.
You just felt yourself become flustered, was this going to be a date?

-Of course' You said after a moment of silence, he smiled with his eyes too this time.
"Would you like to read with me?" You asked after a while.

-How would that work?' He asked and you explained.

-Well I have already read this book but I can read it again! I'm a fast reader so I can finish a page fast, but if you tell me when you have read it I can flip the page' You explained while smiling at him.
He nodded while smiling as well.


And then you sat like that until the early hours of the afternoon. It wasn't until five pm that you noticed what the time was.

-Jesus! I haven't even eaten breakfast' You exclaimed while you put the bookmark between the slightly yellow pages.
He stood up and waited patiently while you put everything in your bag.

-I could buy you something at the cafe?' He said but it sounded more like a question.

-Oh no please don't buy me anything, I don't want you wasting your money on me' You said while smiling, appreciating the thought.
"But we could go there if you'd like" You continued, you just didn't want to leave him for some reason.

His face lit up and he took your bag, holding it while you two walked toward the exit.

-You really don't have to' You said while looking at the bag.

-It's really no big deal, I promise' He said and looked at you. You smiled at him with thankful eyes and you continued walking.

It wasn't too far to the cafe and you were there in a few minutes.
As you walked into the building you felt the warmth on your face.

You two picked a table and sat down, looking at each other for a while.
After a bit you decided to stand up and walk to the front, looking at the stuff you could buy.

Authors Note
I honestly can't express my genuine thankfulness right now, just thank you all.

Please tell me if I get something wrong, for example the perspective's. It tends to happen sometimes but I fixed it in the first chapter :)

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