Chapter 17

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Your P.O.V.

After Paige and I's  beach walk I drove her back home. It was nice talking to her and just hanging out getting to know one another.

Other than that moment when she kisses me on the cheek everything else was innocent and we kept our distance respectively.

Now I'm headed back to the studio and I know Ariana will be pissed off because one I left without saying anything and two I haven't answered any texts. Well it's not like she blew my phone up. She only texted 'hey are you okay' and 'talk later then.'

Eventually after a silent car ride by myself I pulled up with it now getting close to night fall. I get out straightening my jacket as I walk to the entrance. Opening the door I'm engulfed with the smell of weed and loud voices.

"This is going to be the greatest song I have dropped so far!" I hear Sean yell as I come closer to the room.

"I will have to agree with you on that!" I hear my girlfriend agree with a giggle followed behind her statement.

I walk to in front of the door way and see Ariana and Sean with their arms locked with one another nodding their heads to the beat of the music.

I gently knock gaining the attention of everyone in the room, "You ready Miss Grande?"

She rolls her eyes before turning to Sean, "Tomorrow same time?"

"Actually can we do it a little closer to 4 in the afternoon? I have different meetings." He asks removing his arm from hers but instead wraps it around her waist.

She doesn't stop him and just smiles instead making my blood boil as I clench my fists, "Sounds great. See you tomorrow then!" Ariana says happily hugging him once more. She then turns to me walking away from the men and out of the door.

I follow behind placing my hand on her lower back respectively escorting her to the car. She doesn't bother letting me open the door for her like usual as she yanks it open and slams it shut in my face taken me aback by how aggressive she is.

Being the bigger person I ignore it and get in on my side, "Are you okay?" I ask hesitantly seeing she obviously bothered by something.

She doesn't answer but simply crosses her arms over her chest gazing out of the window.

I give her a minute to respond as I drive out of the parking lot. Still having no answer I rest my hand ontop of hers, "Please talk to me-"

"About what Y/N?"

Hearing how harsh her tone was I gently remove my hand from her furrowing my brows, "Why are you so angry towards me?"

Ariana scoffs looking at me with pure disgust, "You're serious?" I say nothing shaking my head so she can continue, "There are already tabloids out there about you and your new client! When were you going to tell me huh?" I see. I take a deep breath so I don't say anything stupid to make this situation worse, "It's only a temporary job. I'm only her bodyguard until her fight then everything is done and it's going to be back only to you since you're going to be in the studio for a minute already occupied."

"What if I needed you back there Y/N? Huh? Anything could've happened but you wouldn't have been there!"

"Well you trust him enough to go out with him for dinner and barely text me updates so I figure you would've been fine...which you are." I say bluntly trying not to sound like a smart ass but I do anyway.

"Oh wow so that's going to be thrown in my face! At least I didn't go to the beach with him!" Ariana screams slamming her fists down onto her lap.

I clench my jaw, "Did I come to you smelling like her?"

The Italian gasps beside me but remains silent so I turn to look at her dead in the eyes, "Yeah didn't think I noticed did you?"

Feeling the heat under my gaze she diverts her eyes to the floor, "Nothing happened Y/N."

"I didn't think anything happened. Hell he walks around smelling like the whole Abercrombie store! Why mention that if I didn't though?"

"I-We hugged Y/N that's it I swear." Ariana defends quickly.

"Mmm why's that? Thank him for an amazing night he gave you or what?" I snap slamming car in a park as I tear off my seatbelt and get out of the car.

My girlfriend follows suit after me, "It was nothing but friendly and respectful. Please!" She begs grabbing my arm pulling me back.

I snatch it away unlocking my door entering my house, "Tell me while you were with him did I ever cross your mind?"

"Well while you were with her did I!"

That last question makes my heart ache yet it's quickly covered with frustration. I turn around quickly and look down at the smaller girl, "Yes actually you did! Numerous times! Even during the meeting you're all I could think about, during conversations or I'd see little things that reminded me of you! Especially the beach because I remembered our getaway and god Ari it's was the best feeling. In that moment when my feet touched the sand every second of our date on the beach played in my mind. So don't you dare try and turn me to be the bad guy when I've been nothing but good, patient and loving to you!" I holler in frustration grabbing onto the counter top hanging my head low, "You know my past Ariana. I let you in! I let you all the way in and this is what I get back? Being pushed aside and ignored like I don't matter." I choke out feeling my eyes water.

"You know this is what happens with my lifestyle. There will be moments where I'm booked in the studio for weeks at a time...and-"

"I know. I know what I got myself into and trust me I understand. What I don't understand is why when you were with him you ignored my texts and you didn't even give me updates. Hell don't blow my phone up but you should've let me know that you were at least okay, but you didn't." I chuckle bitterly finally looking up and Ariana seeing her worried expression, "After knowing what I've been through especially relationship wise this is how you treat me?"

"We didn't do anything!"

"That's not the point!" I shout slamming my hands down on the counter feeling stings all over my palms but I don't care, "Your actions have planted seeds of doubt in my mind. I love you Ariana and I would give my life for you to keep you safe from anything bad in this world. It's my job but also because I'm so in love with you!" I plead walking up to her grabbing her cheeks softly, "I don't ask for much but all I ask is for you to please don't hangout with him with just you two unless it's professional."

She takes a minute to think pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, "He's my friend now         Y/N....but you can trust me."

I shake my head looking down disappointedly, "I don't know. Maybe we've gotten way over our heads."

Ariana grasps my biceps holding on tight, "No no Y/N please trust me! I love you and nothing has or will happen!"

"I need time to think." I whisper kissing her forehead lovingly before removing her arms from me and retreat to my room shutting and locking the door.

I hear muffled cries on the other side of the door but I ignore it as I feel sick to my stomach. For the first time I'm unsure about my job and about our relationship.

Short buttttt whatcha think so far!!!

What do you want to happen🥴

I love you all!!❤️

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