Chapter 44

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I don't know how long it's been. Shit it feels like weeks...hell years! It feels like I've been in the dark for years only being consumed with different beeps and other annoying noises.

My hearing is becoming very clear and my ability to distinguish who's touching me have become more sharp.

Okay...but like am I going to get super hearing powers like Daredevil? Well except becoming blind..that would suck-

"Hey babe," I hear the familiar voice of my girlfriend as she kisses my cheek, "There's good news!"

Oooooh tell me tell me!

"The doctors are going to start waking you up around 11 a.m. today. You've been in this coma state for four days." D tells me stroking my hair, "I'm scared but I'm also excited."

I want to scream out the question why but with a tube down my damn throat nothing is possible.

"I-I've noticed how ariana has been around you plus wearing your scares me."

No no no no....

"It just a feeling I have deep down that I know what the outcome will be. Y/N y'all have so much history together and memories that no one can take away from either of you." I can hear her take a deep breath with sniffles, "This isn't the time to be selfish. I-I want you happy okay? Just let me down easy if it's her you choose."

Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!

Everything is telling me to reach up taking her face in my hands to reassure her that I do love her.

Yeah I know I love Ariana too but either way it goes you can always share love with someone even if it isn't romantic.

I just don't know which one I love more to see me eventually marrying them. I just know when I wake up and able to talk, they both will know the answer soon.

Doja's P.O.V.

10:50 a.m.

Ariana and I wait patiently rubbing our hands together nervously as we see doctors surrounding Y/N as they inject her with some kind of medicine to wake her up.

I look to my left at the Italian, "You holding up okay?"

She turns her attention to me scanning over my tired features then back at herself in the reflection of the glass window, "We both look like shit."

We can't help but laugh at her comment because I mean she's right. Collectively over the past few days we probably only got one full day of sleep. That sleep was when we were with Y/N during our shifts of taking turns.

Throughout these days I noticed how Ariana's demeanor changed. She always wore Y/N's clothes and maybe it was in a bad way but to wear it in front of my face was disrespectful.

I also knew she stayed at Y/N's house, which again, I don't care but also even though I'm here girlfriend I didn't want to take things over.

Every time I looked at Ariana and Y/N that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach grew and continued to grow.

I'm solid in my relationship and feelings to Y/N, but everyone knows how things play out with this kind of stuff. If not let me lay it out for you.

First you have me....I've done nothing but put Y/N first with her feelings, needs and all around she had constant support and trust from me. Not to blow my own horn but I almost was the perfect girlfriend.

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