Chapter 20

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Your P.O.V

I turn over with a groan as I instantly felt pain from my headache. As I try to open my eyes to see where I'm at I instantly close them back due to the blinding sun seeping through the blinds.

"Uhhh fuck me," I mumble holding my pulling pulling it close to me as I shove my head face first into it.

I feel the bed shift and feel rather warm hands rest on my naked back, "I already did that love."

Startling me I snap my head up and look over at the woman. When we make eye contact all the memories of last night flooded my mind like a tsunami, "Oh um sorry for staying over. Let me get dressed and I'll be out of your hair in no time." I tell her sitting up in bed getting ready to leave.

Doja scrunches her eyebrows together and grabs my wrist gently, "Y-You don't have to just yet....I mean unless you want to."

I look over my shoulder seeing Doja propped up on her elbow as she uses her other hand to lightly scratch my back. I don't say anything which causes her to sit up adjusting the blanket to cover her body and leans back against the headboard, "I'll call my driver to get you so you can go get your car."

I shake my head quickly twisting around grabbing her phone and put it behind my back, "No no I promise I'll stay for a bit. I just didn't want to intrude on you or make you uncomfortable." I smile laying my head down on her lap looking up at her.

Doja rolls her eyes resting her hand on the top of my head using her long nails to her advantage and massages my scalp, "Mmm I love that," I mumble closing my eyes.

I feel her body move as she lets out a small entertaining giggle, "You're adorable but I do have a question."

"What would that be?"

"Do you like regret last night?" Doja asks nervously.

I shake my head side to side, "No its just that I just got out of a relationship and didn't even intend on sleeping with anyone but like a magnet as cheesy as it sounds I was pulled to you. I couldn't take my eyes off of you." I admit leaning up and kissing under her chin.

She looks at me with sad eyes, "I'm sorry..."

"It's alright just sucks I was taken advantage of." I mumble playing with the satin sheets beneath me.

Quickly Doja jumps into action caressing the side of my face, "Well let's take your mind off of it. Let's both shower get ready and stay in here watching movies so we can both relax."

Smiling at the idea I nod my head getting up and throwing on my boxers as she grabs my larger shirt slipping it on. She then walks to the bathroom so I follow her, I mean I've seen all of her so it shouldn't be a problem.

But sadly I was wrong because just before I'm about to enter the bathroom she puts her hand on my chest, "Uh no."

"Why? I've already seen you naked...hell I was inside you just last ni-"

"Nope hush, you can wait for me." Doja says seriously but with a glint of playfulness in her eyes.

I back off throwing her a wink before she closes the door. I go to my pants that are on the floor and search my pockets for my phone knowing I need to call my boss.

I start to freak out and ransack the room until suddenly I come to the realization that I smashed that bitch to pieces...yeah not the smartest.

I go to the hotel phone that's on the night stand and dial my boss's number.

"Um hello?"

"Hi it's Y/N Uh so we have two problems." I smile nervously even though he can't see me.

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