Chapter 33

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Your P.O.V.

I'm still hanging onto Ariana as she strokes the back of my neck soothingly. I honestly thought I had moved on, cried all the tears I had on this situation but being face to face and hearing the things she had to say just put me back in the head space I was when I left.

Even though this sucks breaking down the way I did, it felt good hearing from her that she also regretted everything that has happened. To know that what she did is her biggest regret opened my eyes.

Part of me wishes that I would've fought harder for her but deep down I know that this wouldn't work out. First of all I'm with Doja, who I'm very happy and content with but then there's Ariana.

Ariana had my heart, trust, and love. I did everything for her yet she shattered it within days. I hate her for that. I hate that she did one stupid fucking mistake and broke everything we had.

Now that I'm with her and she's helping me through things it warms my heart truly. She's not letting me suffer on my own, she's actually putting herself aside and putting me first.

"Are you okay?" Ariana asks cupping my jaw trying to draw my face back but I fight against her, "Y/N..."

"I thought I've moved pasted this. I thought I could come in here and push everything aside and do my job, but I-I can't," I sniffle leaning back on my knees looking down at my hands, "But every time I look at you Ariana it breaks me all over again."

"Let me talk to your boss, Y/N somebody else can fill your spot because this isn't worth it. I don't want you feeling like this every time you're around me."

Once again my heart melts a little more at her caring words, "No.."

"Why? Don't put yourself through this."

I snap my head up looking into her eyes, "I only trust that you're truly safe when you're with me."

She tilts her head, "Y/N..."

"No. It's true, you and I both know that." I say sternly licking my lips shaking my head, "I know at the end of the day I'd still give my life for you." Ariana is quiet studying me, "Push everything aside I still care for you but not in a romantic way. We still have that connection and I don't think anything can break that. So don't act surprised because no matter what at the end of the day I'd be willing to die if that means you're safe."

"Oh Y/N...." She says sadly shifting so now she is sitting on her butt.

"That's the best way I can explain it." I tell her sitting on my butt pulling my knees up and propping my arms on them.

Ariana fiddles with the carpet, "You''re a great person Y/N. I never realized how lucky I was to have you but I can see why Doja fell for you so quickly." I look at her surprised because neither one of us had said anything publically, "The way she looked at you at the beach, how she touched you, how she talked about you and took up for you....I used to do that Y/N. It's not hard to miss."


Ariana stops me, "Don't apologize. If you're truly happy with her and she makes you happy then there's nothing to apologize for." She looks up at me with a sad smile, "You like her don't you?"

I nod because no matter who it is I won't deny my feelings for D, "Yeah. We uh actually became official last night."

She sniffles a bit trying her best to hide her feelings, "That's great. I'm happy for the both of you."

"You mean that?"

"Yes. If she makes you smile like how you used to then that's all I could wish for. You deserve the love and attention that I just never was able to show you." She speaks looking all around the room trying to fight the tears.

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