Chapter 37

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Ariana's P.O.V.

"I don't care about anything else right now just tell me why you have bloody hands." Y/N asks squeezing me tighter as her voice carries on, "I need to know so please..."

I can't even think of what to say or how to tell her everything. Yeah people say 'just say it' but it's completely different when you are the one in the situation, perhaps the one that caused it in the first place.

I untuck my face from Y/N's neck and look at my bloody palm that's raised up behind her seeing small puncture wounds from the thorns of the roses I held. My hand starts shaking as it's a reminder of Ricky is now back in my life threatening Y/N's.

I start to freak out and unravel myself from the girl and almost fall but she catches me looking at me with concern written all over her face, "Ariana."

"N-No you- they can't.."

Y/N grabs my hands pulling them out of my line of vision, "Stop. Whatever happened you aren't there anymore alright? You're're safe."

I take in a deep breath as I feel my breathing start to quicken, "Safe."

"Yes you are. You don't need to start hyperventilating so follow with me." Y/N says calmly before sucking in a deep breath, holding it for a minute and then releases it.

I nod and follow her lead making eye contact that she holds strongly. I see all the worry she's carrying right now through her piercing eyes, along with them starting to water but the tears don't dare to fall. I can see she's holding it together so she won't trigger me anymore than I am right now. I thank her for that in my own head because I don't think I could handle it if she started crying.

After a couple of minutes I'm more relaxed and my breathing is under better control so now I'm just sitting in her lap with my head laid on her shoulder and my eyes are closed.

"Are you-"

"Other than my hands and feet I'm fine, nothing else is bleeding or..."

Picking up on my hoarse voice and me struggling to keep my head up she stops me from going any further, "That's all I need for right now."

I hear foot steps padding down the hallway with a familiar voice following, "I'm out of the-um what is this?"

I pick my head up looking over Y/N's shoulder seeing a confused Doja, "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"

"Oh my god!" Doja interrupts running over to us pulling my hands up to her face, "What-"

Y/N turns her head giving her a look that she knows immediately and doesn't bother finishing her question, "Okay well take her to the bathroom Y/N to run bath water and I'll get the first aid kit." Doja instructs shocking Y/N and I both earning weird looks from the both of us, "What?" She asks almost offended, "She's bleeding and dirty so get her to the bath so she can wash off."

"O-Okay," Y/N stutters still weirded out but she gets up turning me so now I'm laying bridal style in her arms. I have no idea what's going on but I don't argue because this is better than getting into another fight of the night and I want tonight's events washed off of me.

Y/N sits me on the toilet slowly and when I'm balanced she walks over getting a couple of hand towels and one large towel, "So just let me run the water and I'll give you alone time to just wash up and yeah..."

I open my mouth to object but Doja beats me to it, "Christ Y/N quit being shy acting like this is y'all's first interaction. We don't know what just happened so I be damned if we leave her by herself tonight even if it's for a few minutes."

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