Chpater 22

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Your P.O.V

"Damn AT&T employees are rude as fuck first of all and second why can't they just shut the hell up with trying to sell new plans? Shit is annoying honestly!" Doja rants as we walk out of the phone store and to my vehicle.

After leaving her hotel her driver drove us to the club we were at last night and I drove us to the closest clothing store there was. (Imagine your own outfit)

"No need to get so heated, people are assholes in general not just AT&T workers D." I chuckle pulling my phone out and lucky all my contacts transferred so I shoot my boss a quick text letting him know what's going on.

"Okay well when you said no they should've moved on and that bitch with the blonde hair...yeah she can kiss my ass for all I care!" Doja rants throwing her hands in the air, I give her a weird look because no one should be this pissed off over a rude encounter with an employee.

"What's wrong?"

Doja looks at me, "Nothing?"

"Are you sure because you just went on a whole tangent about a phone store...." I say getting quiet as she rubs her temples, "I got a text from my manager. He wants me in the studio immediately but I already promised to hangout with you today."

I chew the inside of my cheek disappointedly but I have to realize this is her job and how she provides for herself so I can't be selfish. Besides she helps distract me from everything else going on, "Oh well where do I need to drop you off at? Put it in the gps-"

"No." She says crossing her arms, "I've made prior commitments therefore they can wait another day. I also produced half of this track so they can't sell it even if they wanted to."

I look at her surprised because I mean...Ariana never did this. She never skipped the studio just to spend a couple of hours together. Even though I always put her first I've come to realize she never put me first. It's was always the other way around.

The only time she did put me first was on vacation, but that didn't last very long did it?

"I promise it's okay. Just go to the studio and maybe we can do something before Saturday." I smile still not wanting her to lose a day of work even though I'm screaming at myself for not taking the opportunity.

"Y/N I said no and that's final. If you want to go and do something then you're free to do it, but I'm not going to the studio. End of discusion." The girl huffs looking outside at the busy streets.

I know I need to stop second guessing everyone around me because that will cause others to distance themselves from me. Trusting her in her final choice I nod resting my hand on her forearm, "Well then what's for lunch D?"

She pats my hand that's on her arm, "You get to choose anything today. Let's focus on you."

At her simple yet sweet words I squeeze her arm and pull out of the parking lot thinking on where I want to eat at, "How does In-N-Out sound?"

"Fan-fucking-tastic!" Doja cheers on unlocking her phone. Thankfully we were only a few minutes down the road from it and thank God the drive thru line wasn't busy at all because we got our food in the matter of fifteen minutes because on a good day it's be impossible to eat it due to the line almost being in the road.

We both got a burger with fries and a drank. Doja wanted a milkshake so of course I got her one and now we are sitting in an empty abandoned parking lot looking at random people guessing what their name would be along with age and job depending on how they looked.

"Oh that guy is definitely named John who's 47, working at Home Depot even though he has no idea what the difference between a drill and what a saw is." Doja laughs as a white male who does in fact look older that's wearing knee high white sock, cargo shorts, a tacky shirt and older new balance shoes.
(This is made up😂 don't get mad!)

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