Chapter 38

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"I don't have a pulse, defibrillator on 190 joules now!" A paramedic screams holding an oxygen mask to the girl who lays lifeless on the gurney in the back of the ambulance.

The Captain starts a count down, "3.....2....1!"

Their body rises as the shock is sent through their body. After the shock everyone looks at the heart monitor seeing no change in the flat line that's buzzing, "Charging to 200 joules!"

The guy rubs the two paddles together before pressing them to the girls chest earning another jolt in their body, "God damnit come on!" He yells in frustration, "Alyssa take this and squeeze it." He demands pointing to the breathing tube with a pump to allow them to help the girl breathe as they try again to get her heart beat.

"Sir this is the last time, if we do it again it it could cause permanent damage to her heart Captain." Alyssa informs him as he sets the defibrillator to 300 joules.

"I know," he says calmly holding the paddles up one last time, "Clear!"

After shocking her everyone's eyes go to the monitor seeing a faint heart beat appear, "Radio in!" The captain yells at the driver as he puts in an IV keeping an eye on the l heart monitor.

"Yes sir," his partner says grabbing the radio, "This is Devin in ambulance 43, we currently have a patient with a gunshot wound to chest and stomach. She's between 20's to maybe late 20's and is in critical condition. We will be arriving at Los Angeles County Medical Center in two minutes. Have trauma doctors ready and possibly a neurosurgeon on deck."

After hearing a response he hangs the radio up on the dash and puts both hands on the wheel, running red lights, honking at cars that won't move and avoiding bumps skillfully.

Making it in less time than the driver predicted, he pulls the vehicle into the emergency entrance immediately getting out and opening the back doors, "Gunshot wounds to chest and stomach region?" A doctor asks waiting for the girl to be unloaded from the ambulance.

"Yes, I had to use the defibrillator three times and the last time it was on 300 joules. We have packed the wounds but she's loosing a lot of blood." Captain explains to the head surgeon who's already holding pressure on the wounds with two others.

"What's her blood type?"

Devin looks at the organ donor card they found on the victim, "O positive."

The doctor nods taking control, "Thank you!" He says wheeling the girl into the hospital as her color fades into almost a grey pale color amazes she's still alive.

Meanwhile at the crime scene

Officers storm all around the area checking and seeing if everyone is okay, while the other officers question civilians.

"Ma'am we have a body, no pulse." A rookie officer says to his captain.

"Where's the wound?" Captain Smith asks closing her note of as she's done questioning a man.

"Right in the chest, seems like at entry point it went through the heart and exited out of his shoulder blade."

Captain Smith gives him a nod and he leaves to go tell the paramedics to get a body bag.

"I have to go! She's alone and I need to be there for her!"

Another cop walks over to the frantic woman trying to calm her down, "Just calm down and stay right here for a minute longer. We still have questions-"

"Fuck your questions get me to whatever hospital she's at right now!" The girl screams in his face not caring if she can catch a charge by talking to the officer like she is right now.

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