Akua Wakagen's Bio

1K 18 4

Age: 20

DOB: April 21st

Height: 5'09"

Akua at first glance looks like a young man with broad shoulders and slight muscle tone body with Cheek long Raven black hair and Lilac colored eyes.

He wears a Blue Anorak hoodie rimmed with white fur and thin black sleeves strapped at the wrist, Dark blue trousers that straps at his ankles, several accessories from striped otter seals on his shoulder pads and white and baby blue checkered belt, and around his neck is a Shell and pearl necklace while he has another necklace wrapped around his left wrist with a single accessory that shows a water like symbol.

He wears a Blue Anorak hoodie rimmed with white fur and thin black sleeves strapped at the wrist, Dark blue trousers that straps at his ankles, several accessories from striped otter seals on his shoulder pads and white and baby blue checkered bel...

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Weapon: Spear Wolf's Bite

Weapon: Spear Wolf's Bite

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Vision: Hydro

Back ground:

The Icebound Expanse is a very small nation in the south of Teyvat separated into four islands. Three of them are quite small and belong to the trade ports, farm, and a home to Polar Dragons. The main island which is the main land for the nation serves as a home for many people especially the Wakagen Clan the ruling tribe of The Icebound Expanse. For hundreds of years the Wakagens and tribes mastered the art of frozen sea fishing, ice plain hunting, and most dangerously Apex Polar Dragon hunting. Apex Polar Dragon hunting only happens when an Apex Male Polar Dragon strays too close to the Tribes small clutch of land which tends to happen every eight months. These hunts are used to help warriors earn their place in the tribes a name for themselves. All his siblings had done so. So Akua was next the day he went on his Apex Polar Dragon hunt was a true show of his skill; unfortunately the Fatui had interrupted his hunt and started to threaten him and his people.

After eight weeks of hostility the Fatui had been sent packing by the Wakagen's Seven warriors with their youngest brother serving them as their tactical support. With the Fatui gone and the hunting rite ended for now Akua was tasked by his mother to go and learn at Mondstadt in order for them to have protection from the Fatui due to their alliance. Unfortunately they didn't count on the strain relationships the two have.

Character Skills:

Wakagen Arts normal attacks: Spear: Akua favors the Spear in close range combat as he enjoys keeping his opponents at bay, and having the fight under his control. And when he fights an opponent with the same reach he like to tricks his opponents by giving them the idea of false habits so that when they try to exploit then he can easily counter. Eight basic attacks.
(VL: I won't make this easy for you).

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