Happy Birthday Eula

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(Not Canon to the story... Yet...)

"Man that was a long night..." A man of dark complexion and dark blue hair said as he made his way down from the Church's steps. The night would soon come to an end in a matter of hours starting one of the special days in the man's life. The birthday of Eula Lawrence his older sister.

The cool Autumn winds had been blowing through the city creating a peaceful feel to the city as autumn leaves had traveled through the air around putting a small smile on Lucas's face as he looked at the stars above. Luckily Cielo always gives knights their birthdays off as a courtesy and appreciation towards them.  It has been a long eight months for the siblings and these few days they can get to themselves and relax. Though even though his shift was completed Lucas had headed down to the side entrance of the city in hopes Captain Hertha would be there as he was expecting a delivery.

"Oh you got to be kidding me..." Lucas muttered under his breath as he saw Akua Wakagen pace back and forth while holding his chin.

Akua Wakagen once thought to be his greatest enemy due to their family's past grudges. Though very recently Akua has worked hard to show Lucas and Eula his true intentions (despite showing them from the very beginning.) And even forged a new friendship with Eula that annoyed Lucas slightly, but also made him happy because ever since their friendship had formed Eula's nightmares had stopped as a result. Despite this he didn't necessarily hate Akua anymore... But he certainly didn't really enjoy his company due to the fact that he had noticed signs from Akua that he has been gaining an interest in Eula in a more romantic side though his sister may be unaware of it Lucas has a strong feeling Akua has some feelings towards Eula.

"Akua what're you doing here so late?" Lucas asked as Akua jolted a bit looking behind him to see Lucas with his arms crossed.

"Oh good morning Lucas. Sorry I'm a bit restless is all I'm waiting for Captain Hertha to get back with me." Akua said crossing his arms as left hand started twitching a bit as it tapped on Akua's arm.

"With you on what matter?... The Icebound Expanse?" Lucas asked as Akua's arms had relaxed.

"Yea just about, Recently we've been having several shipping problems from my homeland to Mondstadt and Liyue, so I'm getting anxious about something personal I had ordered from there." Akua said as he smiled at Lucas rubbing the back of his head.

"Shipping problems? How so?"

"Well at first we believed it was because of the strong storms from Inazuma as they're the closest nation to us." Akua said as Lucas held his chin hearing about the storm the Electro Archon had surrounded her nation with.

"But that's not the case?" Lucas asked as Akua shook his head.

"Yea, I have a theory and I'm really hoping it's not true... Especially because my package was supposed to come yesterday." Akua said holding his chin as he bit his lips showing Lucas how worried he was getting.

"This is the first time I've seen you genuinely nervous about something Akua... Just what did you order?" Lucas asked.

"It's a small crate of Icebound Roar."

"Icebound Roar? What's that?"

"Oh it's a juice that keeps you warm through the day. You drink it and your body starts to warm up a bit easier."

"I see... what made you want to order it for it to come today... or yesterday?" Lucas asked as Akua's cheek had a very small hint of red in his cheeks.

"I had talked to Eula about this drink in our last patrol and she had told she'd like to try it some time... So thanks to Amber I ordered some for today to give to Eula as a birthday gift... I... Didn't know what else to get her..." Akua said rubbing the back of his head.

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