A New Chapter

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In Iced City in all the tribe leaders had gone to attend a meeting concerning the current presence of the Fatui in their lands and why hasn't the Tsaritsa come to discuss matters with Tsuki.

"It was bad enough that the Abyss Order had a small presence here however the Fatui is a different manner!" A tribe leader said as many joined his uproar.

Word had spread like wild fire to the people of the Icebound Expanse that the Fatui had interrupted Akua's rite of passage hunt and several more reports had fallen from his hunt several days later all calling for this meeting.

"It's going to be a repeat of all those years ago with the Lawrence Clan!"

"The Fatui will try to drive us off these lands we must take action against their nation before they have a chance to strike us!"

As the Hall filled with the people's concerns in the stairs above a young man leaned on the railings watching the commotion happen. He mainly focused his gaze on his siblings Zak, Myra, and his mother Tsuki as they sat there quietly watching the tribes debate their next move and if they should sit still or not. The Fatui had committed a Taboo and this was a response to it, it pleased him to know the people's loyalty to one another held strong one thing they are known for in the Icebound Expanse.

"They're still going at it huh?" Pyra asked standing next to her brother.

"Yea, considering the seriousness of the threat I'm not surprised they're all worried." Akua said looking at them as his Mink climbed out of his hood and on his head.

"Yea. It was a stagnant peace but we always knew something like this was bound to happen." Pyra said leaning on the rails with him.

"You know there's something I've noticed about our people." Akua said listening to the leaders as they had one saying in common.

"And what's that?"

"They hold a tremendous grudge against the Lawrence Clan. I know they've done horrible things to us in the past but aren't they pretty much gone now? I'm sure the Lawrence Clan won't be the vile monsters they make them out to be." Akua said looking at his sister as she nodded her head side to side.

"Well it's not entirely true; The Lawrence Clan is still around and from what I hear are still in Mondstadt occasionally causing trouble, I remember a year back I had dealt with goons from the Lawrence clan in Liyue Harbor. They had recognized our emblem and stirred trouble for me there." Pyra said resting her head on her hand.

"Because of our emblem?"

"Yep you still know the stories correct?" Pyra asked her brother as he looked at her.

"Yea everyone who lives here would. That's why they're all so worried." Akua said looking at the tribes as they slowly started to lower the volume.

"And What about Mondstadt?!" A man in a white and grey Anorak said getting Akua's and Pyra's attention along with the court's attention.

"Mondstadt has been our trade ally for hundreds of years, And they have an alliance with Snezhnaya so can we assume that Mondstadt has abandoned us to ally with the Fatui?" He said as the tribes started to talk amongst themselves.

"I'm sorry Chieftain Kombu. But I'll have to disagree with you on that matter. The Acting Grandmaster Jean Gunnhildr is an honorable young woman who has vowed to give us aid whenever it has called for it." Tsuki said putting her hand up.

"As you said yourself she's young. No offense to Master Zak who's heir to the Wakagen tribe seat but the young can sometimes be naive. And with the actual Grandmaster disappearance I'm sure Lady Jean is most in over her head." Kombu said as few others agreed.

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