Mondstadt Tales I

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"Congratulations Akua. Now that you're a Knight we can begin working together, after a week working with us we'll assign you to a company where you'll have more free reign." Jean said with a smile as she and Cielo looked at Akua in her office.

"Well I'm here to be of use to all. Wherever you all need me I'll be sure to fulfill that need. Though... This knight gear is really uncomfortable is it really mandatory to wear this?" Akua asked in the standard iron Knights of Favonius uniform as Rimurun was on his shoulder trying to get himself comfortable.

"It is whenever you're patrolling the city's wall. Other than that as long as you wear some type of uniform of the knights you'll be good." Jean said handing the new knight some papers.

"Are these my new assignment?"

"You're an official resident of Mondstadt now. Those are your documents and records courtesy of your mother Tsuki." Cielo said opening a book. "You're assignment is to assist the knights in the front of the city. Look for Miles he'll show you what to do."

"Sure thing. I'm off please excuse me!" Akua said saluting them as he left Jean's office.

"It's about time you finished up in there Outsider." Ava said in a female's uniform as she had her cape and hood strapped to her shoulder pads.

"Hm? Ava what're you doing here?" Akua asked as Ava sighed.

"Hah... We're both assigned to meet with Sir Miles. I'd figured to wait for you so you won't do anything hasty savage." Ava said crossing her arms.

"Really we're both knights, can't you just call me by my name? I mean Savage is a very derogative name."

"Considering your family's history I say it's a compliment. And don't try to convince me otherwise because I don't know what your motive is here but know that I will not take my eyes off you." Ava said glaring at him.

"And to think I actually made a good impression yesterday... And what do you mean by Family history?" Akua asked looking at Ava as she turned her head forward.

"I don't need to explain myself. Now c'mon our else we'll be late." Ava said walking ahead of Akua.

"Right..." He said walking behind her as they made their way to the front of the city not talking to each other.

"Hm... I wonder how they're doing?" Ava said out of nowhere grabbing Akua's attention.


"Hrmm... The kids we saved yesterday and their mother." Ava said as Akua held his chin.

"Them huh? Well I'm sure they're ok." Akua said messing with a vambrace.

"What on Teyvat are you doing?" Ava said getting annoyed by the sound of the Wakagen's shuffling.

"This Vambrace is uncomfortable and I'm pretty sure I tied it wrong." Akua said ending with a scoff as he looked at his arm annoyed.

"Tch give it now, I don't want to look like an embarrassment in front of our instructors I wouldn't care about you Wakagens normally but I'm very sure they'll have us work together for today so I don't need you making me look bad." Ava said grabbing his arm and fixing his vambrace.

"Geez ok... Well either way Thank you for your generosity Lady Ava!" Akua said with a smile after Ava finished. Wanting to scoff at him Ava actually paused for a second looking at his smile then remembering she didn't like him.

"D-don't try to m-manipulate me Savage! Outsider! Nincompoop! Brute! Primitive Heathen! You! You.... Microcephalic addle-pate!" Ava said with a flushed face before turning away and walking forward.

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