Character VLs

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Thoughts on Akua

Jean: What do I think of Akua Wakagen? He's many things I would never expect of someone from the Wakagen Clan. His mother sent me a letter of introduction before his arrival. The Wakagen Clan was never a part of Mondstadt but during the tyrannical rule of the Lawrence Clan, they and the Wakagen Clan were often at odds because the Lawrence Clan would sail to their small islands in the frozen south and enslave the people of those islands. After the rebellion the Wakagens returned to their homeland and vowed to help Mondstadt should the need ever arrives. Their islands are homes to dragon like creatures the natives hunt as a way of life an ecological balance between them and the dragons. I once visited the islands to speak with Tsuki Wakagen; Akua's mother and there I've seen Akua and one of his brothers hunt a massive dragon and at that time Akua didn't have a vision, it was quite a sight to witness. It was there I learned how strong the Wakagen clan can be unfortunately I didn't get to converse with Akua personally during that time but such a feat he had displayed is beyond many of us here In Mondstadt yet he humbles himself to serving us. His kindness is unique, mind is brilliant, skill is incredible, and truly a hardworking man. Though he can be a tad bit clueless and clumsy at times but that's another trait that describes The Tidal Wave Knight.

Nevertheless I'm glad to call him my friend as he always seems to find ways to relieve our work load.

Amber: Hey did you call me Fire cracker? You must've been talking to Akua, he's really a nice guy and a great fighter. Anytime I'm around him he always has a smile on his face, whenever we go out on missions he's always so observant it's no wonder Head master promoted him so quickly. I had only learned about his lineage recently and I'm not all that surprised. Akua really does uphold the name Wakagen though there has been several people who are wary of him for reasons I'm not sure of. Eula tells me his Kindness is probably a front but I'm not quite sure about that. Truthfully I feel like those two would be great partners with the way Akua fights with his spear reminds me a bit of Eula's movements.

Kaeya: Oh Akua. I like messing with the guy he's quite patient and alert. When it comes down to it I can easily say we have each other's back. We talk often about the people of Mondstadt, and I see his commitment to the people he's barely known in such a short time. I have to say his loyalty to the knights, his family, and the people is unparallel.

Barbara: Akua?! Honestly I have to say he's a great friend. He's very supportive and a great listener. He's helped me with a situation involving some person named Albert. I'm not too sure on the details but he's had gotten Jean's gratitude for it... I should probably ask him about it.

Diona: Ahhh yes my favorite light weight! He gets to drink free anytime here since I know he won't be chosing alcohol!

Diluc: Akua? I've fought alongside his Sister Myra Wakagen one time and she's made mention of him several times. I must say her stories were true to a degree and it bringse a little comfort to know the Knights of Favonius has a competent member. Though I do have to say he's too observant.

Lisa: Oh Akua darling? He's quite a cute, hard working, and loyal young man. When I first met Akua Wakagen, I felt very positive energy from him and became rather curious. After being around him for quite a bit of time I became fond of his kind and innocent soul. If I ever have a problem then I'd be sure to go to him because I know he's a shoulder I could cry on without any repercussions. That said I'm quite jealous of Mona who lives with him.

Mona: If I was to describe him... I'd say Minimalistic, Wise, fun... Much like his Constellation Magnolia Caeruleum. He was apparently used to live in my current residence before his disappearance. When he arrived with his key it was quite a surprise for the two of us but surprisingly he was more calm than I who threw several books at him in my surprise. After coming to an understanding me and him agreed to become roommates for both our benefits. Everyone sees him as the responsible one but until you get his full trust you'll see how hilarious he can be, I guess that's one of the perks of being a roommate.

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