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"Eula what's wrong?" Amber had asked as she walked next to Eula who stood in her office and looking towards the front gate.

"It's nothing to worry about Amber... Nevertheless I heard that Noah boy had expressed great interest in joining your Outriders."

"Hehe yup! You know these first few weeks and those new recruits are definitely skilled! You know I heard from Ava, that Akua is an incredible tracker! Since Mika's in the front you could definitely use someone like Akua in the Reconnaissance Branch." Amber said with a smile while Eula simply looked outside the window.

"That'll be the worst case scenario. I won't deny the skills he possesses, but I'd rather not have a Wakagen in my Branch." Eula said crossing her arms messing with a Favonius emblem on her desk.

"That and I'm very sure he-"

"Oh c'mon Lucas don't be such a grouchy pants!" Amber said patting his shoulder as he simply scoffed and crossed his arms looking out the window.

"Also a Wakagen? Eula why are you saying that with such resentment? It's quite odd of you to say."

"Hm... I don't like to talk about it... Let's just say The Lawrence Clan and the Wakagen Clan have very bad blood with one another." Eula said crossing her arms and looking to the side.

"Really? Wait but I thought Akua came from the South Pole?"

"Over a Thousand years ago Mondstadt used to have Islands to the East where the Wakagen Clan used to reside. However after Vanessa's Rebellion the islands were destroyed. We presume by the Wakagen's themselves. Or by Barbatos at that time. We had thought the Wakagen's had died out until..." Lucas said looking at Eula as she clinched her fist.

"Hm? Until what?" Amber asked, seeing Eula's face had one of fear despite how tough she was trying to remain.

"Long time ago... When I was simply a child I had a friend named Crystal who was a maid in our mansion. I didn't have any friends so late at night I'll sneak out and play with her... That was until that fateful night..."

"Out of the way Young lady... That child is destined to die tonight." The Wakagen man in a grey Anorak with Black fur lining said pointing his spear at them.

"Listen Wakagen I shall not allow someone like you to claim a little girl's life!" Crystal said keeping a very young Eula behind her.

"Then you'll die alongside her..." The man grizzly spoke as he charged at them with his spear. "I shall have Vengeance for my Son!"

Quickly picking up Eula, Crystal managed to avoid the spear's tip before running away with the man catching up behind her at a very quick pace. The maid was doing her best to avoid the Wakagen as he knicked her several times with spear causing her to winch in pain but shield Eula.

"Enough!" The man said grabbing Crystal's hair and yanking her back as she dropped Eula.

"Owie... Crystal!" Eula yelled out as she watched her friend being dragged by her hair and thrown into a wall.

"Eula Run!" The Maid screamed out as making the girl run away while she herself grabbed the boot of the Wakagen in an attempt to stop him.

With a swift kick the man knocked the maid out and continued his pursuit of the defenseless girl. Eula had a headstart and knew her home very well going down the hall she sees a suit of armor that's mounted on a stand, this particular armor was in front of a hidden door she sometimes uses.

"No where to run!" He yelled out close to her as he thrust his spear forward. However the girl had started pushing the suit of armor down to its side so that it blocked the spear and crashed down on the man making him groan in pain and threw the armor off him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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