Knighting Trials

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"Master Akua you're here early!" Noelle said as she walked up next to him.

"Morning Lady Noelle. And yea I can't exactly be late for this now can I?" Akua said with a smile.

"Nope, I think Ava can agree this is very important for us all." Noah said as Ava walked behind him crossing her arms avoiding eye contact with Akua.

"I can... You don't have to say it out loud Noah..." Ava blushed as she thought about her excitement for the trials.

"Well best of luck everyone." Akua said with a smile as his pet Mink Rimurun climbed on his shoulder wagging its tail.

"Heh Glad to see you all here on Time." Cielo said walking down the headquarters steps with his hands behind his back as the four stood at attention.

"As many as you all know these next eight hours will be your most pivotal in becoming a Knight. You all must make perform to the fullest in front of the Acting Grandmaster Jean, The Calvary Knight Kaeye-"

"Eep!" Ava squealed quietly then composed herself.

"And Yours truly Lieutenant Cielo. There are five categories you all must pass to become a knight. Each category you'll need to collect ten points to pass. Five points isn't a pass and if you can't complete all five then. You'll fail and instead of being a full fledged knight today you'll have to wait another time." Cielo said glancing at Noelle.

"Good luck little rose. Now any questions?" Cielo asked looking at the group.

"Yes I have sev-"

"Good now let's get started with the worst one... The exam." Cielo said interrupting Akua.

"Uh oh..." Akua quietly muttered as Cielo gestured for them to follow him.

1st Trial: The Exam.

"Oh Man I should've studied last night just in case.... Ok so the Rose in Mondstadt means what exactly..." Akua asked himself as he intently looked at his exam.

"And finished." Ava said proudly as the others looked up in shock while she smirked at them.

"Bye bye Savage." Ava whispered as she and Akua made eye contact.

"Hmmm... I'm going to pass this test. I need to pass it... What does a windblume flower look like?"

One hour later.

"Now for the Test Results. Lady Ava a sky rocking perfect score. No surprise there for a mage of Mondstadt." Cielo said looking at the papers.

"Fufu." Ava said looking at Akua who merely rolled his eyes at her cockiness.

"Second highest is Noelle with only one missed question. Good job little rose." Cielo said with a smile as Noelle sheepishly looked to the side.

"Third with two missed questions is Noah. Good job Noah."

"Ugh... I really got stuck..."

"And last is Akua with three missed questions the minimum allowed to pass. Good job Akua."

"Hehe... Oh boy..."

"Congratulations you all passed... Now for the skill test."

2nd Trial: Skill

"Captain Kaeye will go over this requirement. Kaeya." Cielo said stepping to the side as they were all in the training grounds for the knights.

"Thank you Master Cielo. Behind me you'll see an obstacle course for you all to take. The obstacle course will test your speed, and skill with a blade. The objective of this obstacle course is to take out fifteen targets in total from beginning to end. You'll have three minutes to take them all out and if you miss one then you fail. However reach the end of the course in less than two minute with thirteen or more targets on your end then you'll pass. And you will need to take out five targets at once for the final part of this test after we decide if you fail or not. Now then... Who's f-"

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