Part 1

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Word Count: 1360

Part Warnings: Arguments, Thrombey Family (They are a warning on their own.) (Let me know if I missed anything.


I was standing in front of the mirror whilst I did the last-minute touches to my make-up. As I was, I had the usual feeling of dread run through me. Going to Harlan's was never my favourite thing to do, the only people who ever spoke to me were Harlan, Harlan's housekeeper Fran and Harlan's nurse Marta. Despite being married to Ransom for four years and being together for ten, his family didn't trust me one bit. Producing every excuse under the sun to hate. Apparently I am after his money, I am using him, I am controlling him, and I am changing his opinions to fit my own ideals.

All these excuses were ridiculous though and thankfully Ransom didn't believe them. Being a paediatrician, I am earning a decent amount of money myself and I never relied on anyone else for anything. I always left it up to him on whether he wanted to go to family functions or not. He more often than not chose not to go because of their 'little display' at our wedding. My Dad nearly had to throw them out.

I was very grateful for Harlan though. He constantly apologised for his children's behaviour towards me. I swear that I have seen him laugh after an argument causing me to yell at my parents-in-law.

Ransom once admitted to me that I was his safe space away from his families opinionated and toxic ways. The pure emotion he held the first time he told me about his family and how they were lingered in my mind.

Tonight, was Harlan's 85th birthday and he insisted that both me and Ransom came. I wasn't prepared to let the rest of the Thrombey's stop me from going. Especially after Harlan asked specifically for us both to be there. It was yet another thing Linda didn't like about me. Ransom no longer attended family events alone. I know she hated it because every time they insulted him, whether it was about not working or some comment he made, I was there to defend him. I tried my best to calm him down when arguments got out of hand.; that happened way to frequently for my liking.

As I finished my make-up, I walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs to where Ransom was waiting for me in the front room. I saw him look up as I entered and then his jaw dropped.

"I always knew you were the most beautiful girl I had even laid eyes on." He confessed with his signature smirk. I just giggled at the confession and felt myself becoming flustered just as I did anytime my husband complemented me. I wasn't wearing anything special just a long-sleeved black sweater with a tartan skirt and thigh high boots. The necklace I was wearing was white gold with a diamond shaped heart. Ransom had gifted it to me for our fourth wedding anniversary. He also bought me the matching earrings. Normally, I wouldn't wear this for family events, usually reserving them for when me and Ransom were on a date. However, I didn't want to hear any comments about the way I was dressed tonight and ruin Harlan's birthday.

"You ready Kitten?" Ransom asked me reaching out his hand for me to hold. I smiled at him as I grabbed it and he lead me out to the Beemer.

The entire drive there was filled with pointless chatter and mindless thoughts. I loved how everything was always so easy with him. I never had to hide how I really felt, and I loved how he felt the same. Ransom could also tell I was stressed. As much as I was trying to hide it, when I felt his hand on my thigh and his thumb rub in gentle circles I knew he knew. When we eventually pulled up I noticed that we were, yet again, the last ones there.

We got out of the car and Ransom quickly grabbed my hand pulling me alongside him, almost in a protective way. We entered the house and walked through to the living room and saw the entire family, discussing some probably racist and offensive topic. It didn't take long for the both of us to be noticed, standing in the doorway.

"Ah, finally. What took you so long Ransom?" His mother asked obviously displeased that we arrived later than everyone else.

"Are we late? Didn't realize." Ransom sarcastically replied. As I looked around, I saw Linda and Richard, my parents-in-law, Walt and his wife Donna, Ransom's uncle and aunt, Joni and Meg, Ransom's late uncle's wife and their daughter, Wanetta, Harlan's mother, Fran, and Marta. I smiled at the last two knowing that they were the only ones who cared for my presence. I had no problem with Meg but she barley looked in my direction due to her hatred for Ransom. The only one's missing were Harlan himself and Ransom's sixteen-year-old cousin Jacob.

It wasn't long before Harlan emerged from his office, requesting a word with Ransom. After whispering to me that he wasn't going to be long, Ransom followed his grandfather, leaving me with the rest of the family. It didn't take long for them all to start on me.

"So, Charlotte how have you been?" Joni asked in a painstakingly obvious fake tone.

"I've been good thank you Joni." I politely smiled back ignoring the phony atmosphere created.

"That's good." Things went silent again before the inevitable happened.

"Nice necklace, where did you get it?" Linda this time.

"Oh, anniversary gift from Ransom."

"Looks expensive." I could tell that Linda wasn't going to give up.

"I guess" I answered becoming increasingly uncomfortable, all eyes on me at this point.

"Though you must earn a bit yourself being a doctor, you don't really need Ransom to buy you things." She continued, slowly getting to her point.

"He didn't just get it for me it was a gift for our wedding anniversary."

"So, what did you get him then, not much could match diamonds for only a fourth wedding anniversary."

"A new watch among other things. Not that it really has much to do with you what we spend our money on." I bit back trying to keep my calm as much as possible.

Linda just scoffed in return and that's when Walt started.

"Well, it's hardly just both your money. Most of your income come from my father anyway."

"I don't spend your father's money. I spend the money that I work for at the hospital. You know, helping sick kids." This was getting out of hand. They were suggesting I didn't spend my own hard-earned money. I don't think they realised how ridiculous they sound.

Walt made a noise in false agreement. No one said anything for a while, and I decided to excuse myself to go to the bathroom. If I was going to make it through this evening then I needed to take a breather now. As I exited the bathroom and went to make my way back through to the living room to endure more, Ransom grabbed my hand. Wordlessly, he pulled me behind him as he stormed out of the house. Despite me being incredibly thankful that I no longer had to stay in that house, I was more concerned with my husband's distress.

"Ran what happened?" I asked him once he started driving home.

"He cut us out of the will."

"What?" I felt the confusion flood my body.

"We are not getting a cent. No one is. He's leaving everything to Marta."

I could tell he was fuming. I remained quiet not really knowing what to day. Neither of us spoke until we got home. I went straight upstairs after giving Ransom a loving kiss on the cheek, silently telling him that I was there for him. He didn't come upstairs straightaway but just as I got into bed he entered the bedroom to get ready. He joined me in bed but didn't hold me like normal. Assuming that it was just because he was upset, I let him be as I drifted off to sleep.

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