Part 8

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Word Count: 1322

Part Warnings: Talks of being sick, Murder confessions, Language.

Ransom decided to mess with Marta. After buying her a full plate of beans and sausages, he announced that he wanted her to tell him what happened to Harlan. He knew that there was no way she couldn't live without him knowing. He secured that by filling her up on greasy food first.

As she was eating, I sat in silence allowing Ransom to ask and say what he needed to.

"So why?"

"Why?" Marta looked at him confused as she continued to eat.

"Why?" Ransom repeated. "Hey, this is everything. There's gotta be a bigger reason why and you know it."

"Well, how about it had more to do with you guys than with me." Ransom hummed in agreement.

"Yeah, yeah that's the only thing that makes sense."

"Did he tell you anything?" Marta asked. Not breaking eye contact with Ransom.

"Only that I wasn't getting a cent."

"That's because he wanted you to build something from the ground up." Marta said.

"Build something from the ground up?" Ransom raised his voice slightly. "Yeah my mother built her business from the ground up with a million-dollar loan from my grandfather. My father owns none of it, she made him sign a prenup. He lives in fear. And I know that's what my grandfather was trying to protect me from by doing this and I know I shouldn't day this out loud but when he told me I..." Ransom paused and shook his head slightly. I placed my hand on his thigh to comfort him, sensing he was becoming upset. "I coulda killed him."

I sighed. I felt really bad. This whole situation was really fucked up and for once I didn't know how to fix it. "When we left the party and drove home, I was thinking everything through. I felt this clarity, lying in bed next to Lottie. That here on out I was going to have to provide for us two by myself... and that felt good."

I gently smiled at him when he removed my hand off of his thigh and held onto it with a tight grasp.

"Marta, I know three things." Ransom continued. "One, I know he didn't commit suicide." Marta looked at him nervously.

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't think it, I know it." He squeezed my hand again under the table. "Because I knew my granddad. Maybe you and I were the two who knew him so you're not gonna bullshit me on this because two I know lying makes you puke." Marta gave him a blank look. "That mafia game last 4th of July.

"And three I know you just ate a full plate of baked beans and sausage." Ransom's Boston accent was sticking out and despite the seriousness of the situation, I would be lying if I said I didn't want to pounce on him there and then. Ransom moved the plate away from Marta as a look shock on her face. "So, look me in the eye and tell me what happened to my grandfather."

"You asshole." Was all Marta said in response.

"Marta, tell me everything." Ransom didn't give up.

Marta looked at me. "Did you tell him?"

"Listen, just tell him the truth. You know as well as I do that he deserves at least that. I can promise that nothing will happen to you Marta, but you have to tell him." I couldn't miss the look of betrayal in Marta's face, and it was enough to almost make me feel bad. Until Ransom squeezed my hand again and I knew that I was doing the right thing.

It was hard to hear it all again. Here exactly what happened that night and I could see Ransom deep in thought the entire time. He didn't once let go of my hand and he kept his gaze on the table.

The only thing Ransom said was about how he thought that he was the only one who could beat Harlan at GO. I wasn't sure how that was relevant but decided against saying anything, after all, hearing about Harlan's death was a lot for anyone, especially him.

"I'm not telling the family shit. You're not going to jail. That detective is not going to catch you. And you're not giving up the family fortune." Ransom paused for a beat, glancing at me before continuing. "Think about what Granddad did to see this through, this was what he wanted not just for you but for his family, and for him. And yes, for you. You've come this far. Let me help you go all the way."

"This isn't you. You could turn me in right now and get your cut of the inheritance. Why?"

"Because fuck my family. They don't deserve any of this. I can help you and we can fool them all and get away with it... and then you will give me my cut of the inheritance. The perfect ending, we all win. You, me, Charlotte and Harlan. Deal?"

Before Marta could reply her phone rang. I saw that it was Meg. I took one look at Ransom, and he silently told me that he knew the family were about to manipulate Marta. It didn't take much for Marta to promise to put Meg through school. I internally groaned. If they knew Marta would support their 'needs' then they would take her for everything.

When Meg hung up on Marta, I saw her confused look. She stared straight at Ransom almost begging him to help her. So, he did. He asked her the same questions that I did, making sure she wouldn't get caught.

Eventually, Ransom went to drop Marta off and I went home. When I got in I went straight to bed. It had been a long day and I just wanted to settle down and go to sleep. Before I drifted off though I heard Ransom come home. He walked upstairs and I sat up in bed to wait for him. He appeared at the door but didn't say anything as he made his way over to me. He leaned down and gave me a kiss before leaving the bedroom again to get ready for bed.

"I have a confession, Lottie. A confession which you will hate me for." Ransom muttered as he stood in the bathroom door.

"What are you on about Ransom, I could never hate you, you know that." I asked him, slightly confused.

"Oh, for this you probably will." Ransom sighed. I looked at him, I could tell he was extremely nervous.

"Come here, sit down and take a breath." I told him. He slowly made his way over to me and sat down. I sat behind him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders before slowly moving round to his side. Eventually, he laid down and held onto me tightly.

"You know how I told you I hired Blanc?"

I nodded and gestured for him to continue.

"It's all my fault. I swapped the drugs and took away the naloxone." I tensed in his arms but that made him grip me tighter.

"Why Ransom?"

"He was giving everything to her. I am his Grandson. My mother is his daughter. We may all be pricks and entitled shits, but we are his family."

"Oh my God, Ransom." I tried to get away from him.

"I was sent a note. I thought it would be proof of Marta's guilt but turns out she switched the meds around again. That tox report would prove that Harlan killed himself and someone knows it was me in the first place. I can't let that happen." I froze in shock.

"No one can ever know Lottie. I have to deal with this. And know you know, it's your choice if you help me or not." Ransom wouldn't let me out of his grip and for the first time in our relationship, I was scared of him.

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