Part 4

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Word Count: 1342

Part Warnings: Thrombey/Drysdale Family, Panic attack, Murder confession.

I honestly wished that Ransom were here with me. Standing in a room with me intolerable in-laws, to remember my grandfather-in-law, without my husband, wasn't ideal. However, I couldn't blame Ransom for not wanting to be there. in all honesty, I wished that I didn't have to be there. But Harlan wouldn't have wanted me to skip. Deep down all the poor old man wanted was for his family to get along.

I stood in the corner, not interacting with anyone, just observing. A glass of extremely expensive champagne in my hand as I watched everyone talking. Mostly about how they were going to spend Harlan's money or how Walt wanted to 'improve' the publishing company.

I knew that none of them would be getting a penny, but I found it amusing, watching their entitled selves arguing over it anyway. I took another long sip from my glass just as I cast my eyes to Marta, who despite talking to Fran about some Hallmark movie, seemed to be lost in thought. A few seconds alter though, she started hyperventilating before it turned into a panic attack.

I quickly rushed over to her and then noticed that Fran and Meg had seen her state too. I guided Marta to sit down as Meg started to talk her and keep her grounded.

"Can you take a deep breath for me Marta?" I asked her whilst holding Marta's hand. Behind me, I could hear Meg ask Fran where her stash was. Normally I was against grass, but I learned a long time ago that arguing with the Thrombeys just wasn't worth it. I could also tell by the look on Marta's face that she wouldn't smoke any of it; and I was right.

"What's going on?" I asked her gently as Meg took a drag before cringing and throwing it away.

"I don't know. Probably overwhelmed." I nodded and continued to help Marta calm down before I saw Meg walk back over with Walt.

"Marta we've been talking and all of us, the whole family..." Walt started and gave me look from the corner of his eye which told me that me and Ransom were not included. "We would like to take care of you."

I had to hold back a laugh. Luckily, no one seemed to notice as Walt and Meg's attention was on a very confused Marta.

"We want to look after you financially. You weren't ever anything but good to Dad. Because of that you can count on us." Both Walt and Meg embraced her, almost pushing me out of the way. Before he left he gave the same bullshit excuse that Linda did about wanting Marta at the funeral.


About an hour later I was preparing to leave when Marta pulled me to the side.

"Charlotte, can I talk to you in a minute?" she asked, obvious nervousness in her voice.

"Sure." I nodded. We went out the side porch but before Marta could say anything we noticed Blanc sitting in the dark, smoking a cigar. Both of us jump a little before Marta speaks.

"Detective? You're still here?" Blanc just hummed in response.

"Did you know Harlan?" She continued.

"He knew my father who was a police detective. Years ago. My father respected Harlan. That says quite a lot."

"Is that why you're here?"

"Here now here? No. I stayed hoping to speak to you a little more." I took that as my hint to leave.

"I'm gonna go, I'll meet you at the diner?" I asked Marta. She nodded at me, and I left her and Blanc to talk.

It didn't take long for both of us to be sitting in the all-night diner. All I could think about on the entire drive over was why Harlan would leave everything to Marta and what she could possibly have to tell me. We ordered some coffee and Marta sat opposite me, wringing her hands together. the very first sentence Marta spoke shocked me.

"I killed Harlan." Marta couldn't even look me in the eyes as she muttered those words.


"It was me, I killed Harlan."

I could see how terrified she was. "Okay, start from the beginning."

So, she did. Marta told me about how Harlan wanted to play a game of GO before bed. They played and when Marta won Harlan promptly threw the board on the floor. Marta then went to give Harlan his medicine, but she mixed them up.

I stared at Marta in shock, and I could see how Marta was becoming increasingly distressed. Allowing her to continue, Marta told me how when she realised that she messed up the bottles, she started frantically searching for the antidote drug. When she couldn't find it she quickly reached for the phone. All while she was describing the effect of morphine. Harlan disconnected the phone and refused to allow her to call for help.

It was obvious to me that Harlan was trying to protect her. When Harlan disconnected the phone, Marta told her that she went for her mobile. However, she tripped on the carpet causing a loud thud sound. This caused Joni to come upstairs and check on Harlan. Once Harlan had convinced Joni that he was indeed fine, he turned to Marta and explained how to get out of the house.

"I begged him to let me call an ambulance. He was calm the entire time, insisting that I couldn't be held responsible. My Mom and sister would be deported. If it were just me then I wouldn't bother covering it up."

Marta told me every detail of what Harlan told her to do. She even expressed her concerns to him about her inability to lie. Harlan told her step by step on hat to say so that she didn't give herself away, but she wouldn't be sick either.

After Marta had finished telling me about what happened I was silent. I didn't look at her directly for a moment to wrap my head around everything.

"What do I do Charlotte?" I looked up at her as she spoke.

"Harlan was right. Your Mom will deported if this gets out." I sighed. "I don't want you to worry too much for a start. If you panic you could let something slip. I don't know who hired Blanc, but you need to act as nonchalant as you can until he goes away."

"I'm helping him tomorrow morning."

"Okay that could be good. Don't dig but listen to what he says and see if he discloses anything." I paused to think. "Whatever you do, don't tell anyone else this." She nodded in response.

"Look, I am going to be honest here. I am only helping you because I know that you didn't mean to kill Harlan. I know you Marta so I know you would never do anything malicious. We need to be careful here." She nodded and I could see her relax.

"I hate to involve you in this Charlotte, but I didn't know what else to do."

"It's alright just now let's focus on not getting you caught." I took a breath. "Tomorrow when you help Blanc make sure that the CCTV definitely didn't pick you up, make sure there are no signs you were anyway other than Harlan's study and the corridor and make sure that you don't look suspicious whilst doing it."

Marta took a deep breath before thanking me profusely.

"No need to thank me, just keep yourself out of jail and your family safe." She nodded before leaving the diner. I checked my phone to see a few missed calls from Ransom. I quickly decided to call him back knowing my husband didn't like to be ignored.

"Finally, I thought you got lost." I could hear the annoyance in his voice.

"Sorry Honey, Marta got upset so I got her away from your family."

"Just come home quickly please?"

"Of course, Honey. I'm on my way now." I heardthe phone hang up and quickly went to my car.

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