Part 5

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Word Count: 1336

Part Warnings: Smut, Talks of pregnancy but Charlotte isn't pregnant yet.

When I finally got home from the hellish day, I saw Ransom sitting in a chair in the living room. "Where'd you take Marta then?"

"We went to a diner." I answered before going to walk up the stairs. I all honesty, I was still trying to process what Marta had told me. As I was completing my night-time routine I heard Ransom enter our shared bedroom.

He was being unusually quiet, especially for someone who wanted me home so quickly. Knowing Ransom for a decade and being married to him for four years, I knew that there was something on his mind.

When I finished in the bathroom, she joined him in bed. "So, you gonna tell me what's the matter or am I gonna have to deal with you in a mood?" He didn't answer me straight away. I just looked at him, waiting for him to say something. "Fine, have it your way."

I went to roll over, but Ransom put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, with my head on his bare chest. I could feel his chest rise and then fall with a sigh, the light chest hair tickling my nose. "I hired Blanc."


"I hired Blanc." He stopped for a second before continuing. "I'm only going to ask you this once Charlotte. Did Marta have anything to do with my Grandfather's death?"

"Where did that come from?" I found it extremely odd that he would suspect Marta out of nowhere.

"Answer my question first Lottie and I'll answer yours."

I looked up at him before taking a deep breath. I had promised Marta that I wouldn't say anything, but could I really lie to my husband? As much as I loved Marta, my marriage was worth more to me.

"She said that Harlan was protecting her. That he slit his own throat after she mixed up the medication." I took a deep breath and the felt Ransom move underneath me. "It was an accident Ran. She is very shaken up."

"By telling you she made you an accomplice." He pointed out.

"I already said I'd help her."

"Charlotte" Ransom sighed.

"I know okay. Look at it this way, technically, Marta didn't kill Harlan, he ended..." I stopped talking after I saw the look on Ransom's face.

"Fine, here's what's going to happen. I am going to talk to Marta. That way I can make sure that you don't get into any trouble."

I nodded my head.

"Tell me, why did you suspect Marta?" He looked at me and sighed.

"I know my Grandfather. He wouldn't have just killed himself and it would have taken a lot for someone to encourage him to. He trusted Marta the most out of all of us.

"Now personally I have had a crap day. So, I'm gonna fuck you before we go to sleep." Ransom told her. Happy about the change in subject, I quickly agreed. Ransom rolled on top of me, trapping me between the mattress and his torso. He started kissing me with passion, teeth clashing together. His arms framing me in. I reached up behind him with my fingers clawing at his hair.

Ransom quickly removed my nightclothes, before proceeding to kiss down my neck. I let out a moan when I felt Ransom's fingers on my clit. I put my hands on the sides of his face to pull him down and connect our lips. Moving my hands down, I rid him of his underwear, feeling his hard cock slap against my thigh. I started pumping him gently coaxing a groan out of him. I grinned as he nuzzled into my neck at the feeling.

It didn't take long for him to remove my hand from his cock and take over; he moved his lips down my neck as he started rubbing his cock through my folds. Without much warning, he pushed into me, bottoming out almost straight away. It didn't matter how many times I'd taken him before; I swear that I would never get used the pleasurable burn his cock provided me.

He started pumping in and out as me as my nails raked down his back, leaving red marks. My hands eventually went down to grab his arse. I started pulling him in closer, wrapping my legs around his hips. One of Ransom's hands was in my hair the other gripping onto my hip tight enough to leave a bruise, not that I minded. Rolling my hips towards him, made him go deeper; causing him to let out an animalistic groan.

I felt my high approaching, a wave of euphoria about to crash over me before I felt Ransom slow down. "Wait. Don't cum yet." Ransom was almost begging. All I could do was whine pathetically in response. "I just want this to last." He admitted.

The both of us relished in the new, slower pace that Ransom was setting, until it became too much for the pair of us. We mutually agrees to speed up again. Ransom's hips were clashing with mine, roughly colliding together, bringing me even closer to my peak. Neither of us cared about the ache it brought just focusing on bring each other to our highs.

It didn't take long, with sweat pouring down both out foreheads, for us to reach our orgasms together. wrapping my arms around him, I pulled him to collapse on top of me, revelling in the comfort his weight provided me.

Just as I felt like I could drift off in my husband's arms, my phone rang. "Ignore it." Ransom grumbled from where his head rested on my sternum. As tempted as I was to listen to him, I knew nobody would be calling me this late at night unless it was important.

Reaching over to the bedside table, I picked up my phone from where it lay and saw Nicole's name. Huffing, I answered the phone.

"Hey Nic, what's up?"

"Just calling to check on you. I knew that you would still be awake and after today I wanted to make sure you were alright."

"Yeah I'm good. Listen I am really tired. Long day and all. Speak to you soon?"

"Of course, bye Char."

"Bye Nic."

Hanging up the phone quickly, I felt Ransom cling to me more and lifted his head to look at me.

"You remember just before we got married you said one day you wanted to be a mother?"

"Yeah?" I questioned. It was a long time ago and we both decided that we didn't need kids to fulfil our lives together, but they would never be unwanted either.

"Well, how would you feel if we tried for one? Harlan always loved children, as he had three children and three grandchildren. I think this is the right time."

"If you're sure this is the right time?" Honestly, I thought it was weird. Over the years I had seen a different Ransom to the one his family sees, and I had no doubts he would be a good father. But Harlan had just died and with no more money coming in from Ransom's side, I knew things would be tight and that we would both have to make sacrifices.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I know money will be tight, but we'll work something out. Life's too short Lottie. I want us to have a baby." Ransom looked vulnerable in that moment.

I nodded my head in agreement. "Yeah alright, let's try for a baby." I grinned at him. Ransom rolled off of me and laid next to me, pulling me into his chest. Our sweaty bodies remained entangled together. I felt myself falling into a sleep, thoughts consumed by what Marta had told me. Something in me was telling me things were going to change soon, potentially for the worst.

I watched as Ransom had fell asleep holding me and I decided to relax. I knew that with him lying next to me everything would be alright.

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